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  1. T

    Creating CDs DIY

    Well, my band has gone through a long and painful home recording process, but soon we'll have a pretty awesome full-length DIY record to show for it. The question is, what is the best way to create the final product (the CD)? As in, what format should the music files be in, etc. Not really...
  2. T

    Kick Drum mic and PA issues

    Hey, my band is playing our first show on monday. We're having some problems mic-ing the kick drum. We've got a D112, and some Peavey tls 2 PA speakers similar to this: We've been using them for vocals but have never tried running the drums...
  3. T

    Recording a three piece

    This is something I've been messing with for a while. Does anyone know a good method to record only a single guitar track, yet still have it sound "full"? I'm in a three piece punk rock band... In our demos we've tried everything panned to the middle (bad). We've tried panning the guitar right...
  4. T

    Edirol FA-66 issues

    Hey guys, I have an Edirol FA-66. I'm trying to record drums right now with my band. We've got a two mic set up, and though it works reasonably well, it would be a big improvement to have 3 mics (one kick, and two overhead). Problem is I can't figure out a way to get 3 mics to input at once...
  5. T

    Need new recording hardware.

    Hey, I have an older version of the M-Audio Mobile Pre USB. Would post a url, but I haven't made 5 posts. But after years of abuse it's literally falling apart. On top of that I recently got a new system and went to Vista 64 bit (oops). Does anyone know of a different brand/device that has...