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  1. taeyoung

    Hey guys, need some major help for upgrading!!

    Hey all, It's been a while and forever since I posted here, but I need some advice and don't know how to go about this. I recently upgraded my practice/recording room from all kinds of different instrument amps to a PA system. I bought a Yamaha MG166cx and a Crown Xti 4000 going to some Yamaha...
  2. taeyoung

    OMG this singer is driving me nuts

    OK, so maybe I'm not alone in this, but I feel like this must be the stupidist singer I've ever worked with. And the weird part is I actually like her a lot. So, I have this singer, and she's a great singer...when she is not in front of a recording mic. Performing without a mic she has this...
  3. taeyoung

    Would mix/mastering engineers do it differently if...

    Alright, so, after comparing a lot of mixes and (crap) mastering jobs I've been working on to some pro CDs that I appreciate, I've got this idea that's been pestering in my mind. Nothing ground breaking, but maybe someone with mastering experience will come and shoot my stupid thoughts down...
  4. taeyoung

    working with my convertors

    Alright, I'm making progress here! Few more questions about bit depth. Damn this question gets overkilled. But mine is more specific. So I have a 24 bit A/D convertor in my set up. In my DAW I have been recording in 32 bit. Now I'm wondering if I'm just wasting disk space. First of all...
  5. taeyoung

    sending tracks to mixing engineer

    OK guys, So I met this mixing engineer who wants to mix a rock song that I've been working on (working on recording that is), and he's gonna do it for free (yay!). But now I am wondering how to send the track to him? Kind of funny, I've done this for years on my own, but sending it to someone...
  6. taeyoung

    stereo micing bars

    If any of you have ever been to the website, and go to the micing techniques thingy, you can see their mics on a stereo bar. That bar looks quite useful, much better than the cheap general bars I've seen. Do you all use some kind of special stereo bar other than...
  7. taeyoung


    After some research on how some people do edits or punch ins, virtually everyone I've seen doing this, does it as x-fades. Well, maybe I'm dumb, because I never knew about crossfades before (i'm new mind you) and I have always just been going in to the file at the most detailed sample level...
  8. taeyoung

    crossfades in cubase?

    disregard, i posted this somewhere more appropriate
  9. taeyoung

    stereo bussing...walters where are you...

    So I've been using the search function and trying to learn up as much as possible, and I've stumbled across multiple posts by walters about stereo bussing and whatever other nonsense that guy is always talking about. But actually I've been wondering for a while what bussing really is, sorry, I...
  10. taeyoung

    Trying to record ORTF, am I stupid?

    OK, so I'm probably a little dumb, but I'm having a problem recording in stereo using the ORTF technique. I have a stereo bar that I have been using for a while to do xy, but I'm trying to record ORTF and I can't get the mics to fit with the XLR cables attached. The XLR cables are too fat and...