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  1. B

    what to name our album??? Help! Now!!!

    I need your input fast! What's a better album name? Awkward Situation or All Right Tonight? Please help! Fast!
  2. B

    Carvin PA?

    Anyone have any input, comments, or complaints about any Carvin PA equipment? I"m looking at buying a Carvin powered mixer and speakers. It's fairly cheap and I have a Carvin bass amp that I like, so I know they make decent equipment. I haven't heard anything good or bad about their PA's...
  3. B

    dynamic vs. condenser for guitars

    What does everyone suggest using for miking a loud guitar. I've been using a c3000b, but i just read today that it's better to use a dynamic mic when the guitar is loud and distorted. Any help is appreciated. Thanks!
  4. B

    "P" and "B" sounds

    Can anyone give me some tips on how to eliminate at least some of the popping noise that is coming from the vocals whenever there is a word with a p or b in it? I'm using a c3000b, but i also have a c1000s available. Any advice would be much appreciated. Thanks