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  1. Bloodsoaked

    VoxengoBoogex Question?

    OK, I have downloaded the VoxengoBoogex Impulse plugin..........problem is; When I load it for some reason it will not let me pan my guitars now. If I pan 100% right I get NO sound if I pan 100% left the volume gets louder and louder. Has anyone had this issue and if so any ideas how to fix it...
  2. Bloodsoaked

    Mix/master my song

    This is a Death Metal song I mixed and mastered myself. You can check out my mix and download it here: I am looking for someone to mix/master the song and I am willing to pay so I am not asking for any free work. I don't know what the going...
  3. Bloodsoaked

    New Death Metal Mix!

    I would love to get some feedback on this mix. I know the blast beats are not realistic/human sounding, I am looking for feedback on the overall mix and sound of this song. Download: 2 Guitar tracks panned 90% left 2 Guitar tracks panned 90$...
  4. Bloodsoaked

    iPod into PA?

    Anyone know if I need a Speaker cable or Instument cable going from my iPod to the PA? I have pre-recorded drum tracks on my iPod that I play back over my PA in my practice room while I play guitar and sing. Just trying to figure out the cable going from the iPod to the PA, shold it be a...
  5. Bloodsoaked

    Drum tracks live?

    Does anyone use a drum machine or drum tracks live? Right now I play my drum tracks via my iPod through my PA system and then sing and play guitar. I want to do this (as a one man band) live for shows a clubs but want to know what would be the best thing to play my drums track through at a...
  6. Bloodsoaked

    Song/tab speed?

    Does anyone know if there is a program that will slow down a song so to have the speed so you can understand the guitar/tab a bit better? Peter
  7. Bloodsoaked


    Does the ohm's of the cab I have to match the head? What are the different ohm's and why do they matter? Peter
  8. Bloodsoaked

    Amp help/questions???

    How would I connect my new Crate GX-130C Head into my Marshall MG Series 250DFX combo??? I want to use the 2x12 speakers as the cab for the Crate head. From what I can tell the Crate has 2 outputs (stereo). Would I use a Y cable from the crate to the (mono) FX return or since the Marshall is a...
  9. Bloodsoaked

    Amp Question???

    Just another questions guys and I am hoping for some quick replies. Is the Ampeg VH-140C 2x12 Combo the same "exact" as the plain head? Basicly would I get the "same sound" from the combo as I would with just the head? If I hooked the combo up to a 4x12 cab would I get the SAME sound as if I...
  10. Bloodsoaked

    Ampeg VH140C head for Death Metal?

    I have been reading a lot about the Ampeg VH140C head for Death Metal. Anyone use one or have used on in the past for Death Metal? Head with Cab or Combo alone? Anyone know where I can get one? Peter
  11. Bloodsoaked

    Death Metal amp???

    Any opinions on the Peavey Ultra 4-10 Amp for death metal? Not looking for recording sound but live (stage) sound. Any options on any of these?
  12. Bloodsoaked

    V-Amp Pro HELP!!!

    Ok, I have me v-amp pro hooked up to my amp but I can not change any sounds on the v-amp. I am stuck in one mode/sound and can not get anything but a clean sound. I cna not even change the volume. Ihave looked at the manual for over and hour and tried every thing. HELP!!!!
  13. Bloodsoaked

    DigiTech Vocal 300 Vocal Effects Processor (anyone use live)?

    Does anyone use the DigiTech Vocal 300 or 400 Vocal Effects Processor for live shows? Any comments good or bad would be welcome. Thank you. Peter
  14. Bloodsoaked

    Pitch Shifting?

    I use some pitchshifting (-1.5) one my vocals (Death Metal) when I record and now I want to do the same thing while playing live and during band practice. What would I need to achive this live? I am assuming I need something for my mic to go into and then into the PA system / mixing board...
  15. Bloodsoaked

    PA systems?

    I am looking for a PA system for band practice. Just need something for 3 singers to sign through and be loud enough to be heard in the practice room. Any sugestions? How is this: Peter
  16. Bloodsoaked

    Cold/Heat/Humidity effect on guitar?

    Does anyone know the effect (good/bad or other wise) extreem cold, heat or humidity has on a guitar and guitar amp? I just got a practice space in a storage place and it does not have any heat or air conditioning. I am wondering how leaving my guitar, amp and other equipment in the room will...
  17. Bloodsoaked

    Best amp for playing Death Metal "Live"?

    I am been home recording now for a bit over a year and I have been using my V-Amp Pro. I am now looking to play some live gigs and start jamming and was wondering if I could get some advice as to what amp would be the best for playing Death Metal live? Anthing from $1000 and under. Could I use...
  18. Bloodsoaked

    Death Metal!!! New Song!!!

    My latest and greatest (LOL) home recorded death metal song Grinding Your Guts has been recored, mixes and masterd all in my bedroom. Check out the song here: I would love opinions on Grinding Your Guts good or bad (hey metalhead, I used your...
  19. Bloodsoaked

    Need help with song...

    THis is a short 21 second begining to a song I am in the process of writing and I am looking for ideas as to what drums (if any) should go with the begining of this song. The kick and ride you hear in this sample were just a click track for myslef. I am basicly looking for input/help for the...
  20. Bloodsoaked

    Opinions on final mixes???

    Opinions on final mixes??? (Death Metal) I have re-mixed all my songs I have recorded so far and would love some feed back. All 6 songs are here: All songs: 4 guitar tracks 1 80% left, 1 80% right, 1 100% left , 1 100% right 1 bass...