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  1. S

    transferring analogue from tascam 38 to digital

    Ok so I have tried to find a similar type post in forums but can't quite find one so I thought I'd ask you good people the question(s). I'm a newbie so excuse if the question seems obvious. I have recently purchased a Tascam 38 in pretty good condition and have been recording on it and am...
  2. S

    Replacement valves for old Ampeg VT-22

    My old ampeg recently died on me, as it it turned out the transistor had to be replaced. When doing this the engineer pointed out to me that one of the valves was going. Being old the amp takes 7027a valves which are pretty hard to find but I have managed to track them down. Trouble is they are...
  3. S

    Mic Pre vs Condenser Mic dilemma

    Hi folks I have fairly recently upgraded from my Tascam 488 mkII to a Fostex vf160 and am mostly pleased with it although Im still struggling a bit with EQs (I miss the nobs). I find the VF160 really easy to use but the sound of plugging my existing mics straight in isn't great. Im doing lo-fi...
  4. S

    wiring an old ribbon mic

    Hello all This is my first post on this site but it has been a great source of info to me. I have just acquired an old Cadenza ribbon mic, 50s I think. It seems in good condition and is wired to a quarter inch jack lead. I am getting a sound out when I plug the mic in unfortunately it also seems...
  5. S

    wiring an old ribbon mic

    Hello all This is my first post on this site but it has been a great source of info to me. I have just acquired an old Cadenza ribbon mic, 50s I think. It seems in good condition and is wired to a quarter inch jack lead. I am getting a sound out when I plug the mic in unfortunately it...