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  1. S

    speaker positioning in a new cab

    does it matter if the speakers in a cab are behind the cutout circle, or resting on the cutout circle.. my fender openback combo had the speakers behind the cutout circles, but now im wondering if resting on the cutouts isnt a better way of doing it?
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    hardwiring an effect into an effects loop?

    im trying to convert my combo into a half stack, and i have this graphic equalizer that i would like to incorporate into my head. I run the graphic equalizer in my effects loop, but the jacks for the effects loop are on the front of my amp, and i think it would look ridiculous having wires...
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    different ohm loads on a stereo amp? please help

    okay, i have a guitar amp that runs in stereo with two 65 watt, 8 ohm channels...(fender ultimate chorus) i was wondering if i could hook up four 8 ohm speakers (in series-parallel) so they make 8 ohms, and attatch that to one channel... and then two 8 ohm speakers in series so they make 16...
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    Bridging a stereo guitar amplifier

    can anyone give me a link to a site that explains *how* to bridge a stereo guitar amplifier? I have a fender ultimate chorus 2x12 combo, that runs 2, 65 watt 8 ohm channels in stereo. I want to create a single mono channel that has 8 ohms. I understand that series-bridging this amplifier will...
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    Bridging a stereo guitar amplifier

    can anyone give me a link to a site that explains *how* to bridge a stereo guitar amplifier? I have a fender ultimate chorus 2x12 combo, that runs 2, 65 watt 8 ohm channels in stereo. I want to create a single mono channel that has 8 ohms. I understand that series-bridging this amplifier will...
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    Customizing a fender amp

    So I have this idea, and I would appreciate some advice on it. I have two fender ultimate chorus's (130 watt combos), on one of them the actual amplifier has broken, but I believe the speakers are still good. My plan is to join the 4 speakers into a cab, and take the amplifier out of the first...
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    making a custom guitar amp

    So I have this idea, and I would appreciate some advice on it. I have two fender ultimate chorus's (130 watt combos), on one of them the actual amplifier has broken, but I believe the speakers are still good. My plan is to join the 4 speakers into a cab, and take the amplifier out of the first...
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    the right mixer for my soundcard...

    okay so ive got a delta omni i/o which which has 4 channels input im trying to maximize my recording capabilites, i want to be able to record actual bands, which means drums, and more than 4 mics now i dont know if this is possible, but this is what my dream would be... id like to have a...
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    monitoring in cubase SX 2

    i just got my M-audio Omni studio, ive installed it and set it up with any problems. i can playback and record into cubase, but when i select the "monitor" button on a track, i cant hear anything, even though i can record on that track... how do i set this up? i would like to be able to...
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    M-audio Omni questions...

    ok so i basically want a soundcard that will enable me to record my band, ive been looking around and i thought M-audio's Omni Studio (with the delta-66 PCI card) looked pretty good... but i have some questions will the omni allow me to play music off of my computer? can i hook it up...
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    why is americanmusical. com so cheap??

    im looking at the M-Audio Omni Studio sound card set ( it includes the delta 66 and omni breakout box) most sites have it priced at $300 or more.... but has it at 219... it has me a bit worried, does americanmusical sell used equipment? or is it legit, anyway, thanks...
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    computer recording hardware, n00b..ish question

    ok, basically all i want is a way of recording several tracks of audio simultaneously, i have a host of computer programs to use(Cubase, Acid, etc), but so far ive been limited to recording one track at a time. I would ideally like to be able to record 4 or more tracks at once, but i do have...