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  1. 1

    inputs/outputs ?

    I got a problem! I got my condensor finally working...... when I try to record into cool edit pro I get nothing. I got my TRS 1/4" plugged in as a input from my pre-amp, and I hear my voice thru the mic on my computer monitors. I'm sure this is a problem with the settings on EMU 1212...
  2. 1

    cool edit / condensor mic problem

    The problem: I got my condensor hooked up to the pre-amp (with phantom power on) and hooked up to my emu soundcard. When I record in cool edit pro I get a very low recording (i got my speaker system turned all they way up and can barely hear it on playback, but i know it works). The...
  3. 1

    Mic Issues!!

    What's up everyone? I'm new to the site, and new to the whole difficult world of recording! My gear: Marshall mxl2003 mic condensor, Behringer mic100 tube pre-amp (w/ built-in phantom power), and EMU 1212 sound card. Pentium 3, 256mb ram I got the mic hooked up with the XLR cable to the...