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  1. kmarksson

    Another analog mix automation thread!

    Back at it with some rare gear searching! Thanks to the kind folks at this lovely forum (specifically @jpmorris ? ), I was able to hunt down the Tascam MMC-100 I needed. Now I’m on the hunt for something akin to the JL Cooper Mix Mate. Very much love the idea of a small “all in one” VCA...
  2. kmarksson

    Those very rare Tascam accessories~

    Over the last three years I've been assembling something of a lo-fi tape studio in my Brooklyn rehearsal space. I purchased two Tascam 238 decks and an M-1600 24 track mixer, along with an ATS-500 I acquired through a serendipitous Reverb email exchange (to synchronize them). I've been able to...