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    Routine for a Dream

    This song starts as a funky house beat and then progresses into a melancholic, dreamy vibe, which ends with some tension and a feeling, that there should be more. It's an allegory of daily life routine - you work your ass off, then you take your time to relax, maybe even get lost into deep...
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    Starship Jazz. Spaceships in action look even better with music

    Got inspired by Star Wars and made a dynamic spaceships compilation video matching the mood and pace of my track. Enjoy the show :P Aufderwel - Starship Jazz - YouTube
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    A remix that nobody asked for

    Hello everyone, So as you can see from the name, this is a remix of a very well known song that almost everyone has heard about. The thing is that I had composed more than half of this track before even considering making it a remix of anything, so it came off as it's own, unique track with...
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    Dark melodic techno

    Hello people! It took me quite a few months of contemplation and knob twisting before I finally decided that this track is finished and ready for sharing. I'll be happy to receive feedback of any shape and form ! YouTube