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  1. D

    Help! I don’t know where to start

    Hi! I was planning on doing a home recording studio, and I’m not sure where to start. I plan I record things like sax and vocals. Sorry if I did not give enough information
  2. D

    House Mixing Techniques

    Hey, i'm pretty comfortable with mixing house and performed at a house party and I can mix tracks no problem but looking to improve and take my mixing to the next level. Are there any techniques that can spice up sets when mixing house, I've used loops and currently mess around with reverb/echo...
  3. D

    Vocal recording tips and tricks?

    I'm Interested in your personal approaches to recording vocals, whether they're professional standard techniques or obscure personal preferences! Personal dilemma: everything I record comes out extremely muffled and rough. I've tried different placements and a variety of post processing but i...
  4. D

    What higher-level mixing techniques are a MUST for professional sounding stuff?

    As a beginner-intermediate, I sometimes get overwhelmed with the seemingly infinite mixing/mastering techniques people discuss. What I want to know is which of these techniques are actually necessary to learn, and which can I dismiss for now as extraneous and worry about later? Here are a few...