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  1. S

    Baassss Boooom!

    How can i get a good 808 bass sound out of my speakers? i have event P5's my signal chain is: mpc > mixer > motu mkII soundcard now i get that sound i want in the headphones but when the headphones come off the BOOOOOM goes away! stuff that i have recorded with this sound is not even audible...
  2. S

    dream computer;worst nightmare

    What’s up guys-I’, back with more issues-I have an asus board w/pent chipset,p4 2.4,1gig of ram, motu 2408 mkII sound card(pc-324) and running xp, downloaded the drivers for the sound card and my audio sounds low and choppy and on top of that I have a mpc 2000xl w/ an external zip drive that...
  3. S

    digital mixers with pc's

    what's up again? now that im dead set on building a pc-- how's this sound: 1. p4 2.4-3.0 chip w/intel board(haven't decided on if i should get a dual processor or not) 2. motu 2408 mkII-sound card 3. 2 scsi hard drives(i know i can use 7200 eide's but since i'm paying for it -i want the best)...
  4. S

    custom built pc vs. ready made pc

    i have a hp 533mhz 64 mb pc and it was ok until i lost my audio yes!! i know i need more ram and a more powerful pc -- BUT should i build one vs. buying another ready made out of the store --- the price is about the same----Which is better? and if a custom built is better-- do you all have...
  5. S

    custom built pc vs. ready made pc

    i have a ready made pc (hp 533mhz-64mb) that i use for recording and up to the time i lost my audio it worked fine-but i now know that i need a more powerful pc BUT, confused on if i should build a more powerful pc (custom for music)or just buy one and reload the operating system --the price...