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  1. P

    monitoring in N-track

    Hi. I got a question about N-track. I'm recording my drums and my bass first, but then when I want to record my guitar on it I monitor it in headphones. But the problem is that I only want the guitarist to hear the drums, and not his guitar also. Can somebody help me? :) Thanx
  2. P

    the most extreme newbie recorder

    Hi. I'm planning my first recording session around Christmas this year. Now i got myself some mics like a Shure SM57/58 and Beta 52. I got myself an N-track, a good mixer and all the isolation i need. Now my question is: (hard to explain because i dont speak english fluently...) I need to know...
  3. P

    Newbie problem :)

    Hi. I have this problem: I hit record. I record my drums. no problem But, it's a bit hard to explain, when i look at my track, I can see the know all the lines that go up and down on the track(don't know the term) like this: -|--|--|--|--|- You can see where the drum hits...If...
  4. P


    Hya, should I need a rack if I do computer recording? I mean in every studio that I see a pic of I allways see all those effect racks and stuff. What can you do with those things that you can't do on your PC? Maybe a dumb question, but I'm just wondering :) Thanx anyway :D
  5. P


    Hi, what would be the best headphone for playback recording? And how do I use it to PFL in n-track? Thanx
  6. P

    Shure PG58

    Is this a good mic for beginners? I allready got 4 and they respond to my needs. But is there a big (like really big) difference between the PG58 and the SM57/58? Otherwise I'll buy SM57/58's next time... Thanx
  7. P

    Question :)

    Hello there. I use n-track for a while now, but I think there is a problem with my recording method. It goes like this: 1) i click record ;) when recorded, i push the Solo button 2) i record new track I unselect the Solo button on track 1 I select Solo button on track 2 3)....and so on and so...
  8. P

    Tell me what you think

    Hi, I just recorded a new short song called All Fake. It's recorded in N-track. 1 Guitar, Drums. Nothing more :) Anyway, it would be nice of you guys to tell me what you think (of the recording, don't judge that stupid song;)) Bya. Punx...
  9. P

    Prob :(

    Damn I have this problem, I ordered N-track @ Option: 24-bit or 16-bit? I thaught: Let's take a look @ Creative's website. It says: 24bit card I buy a 24bit card :) I have an Audigy. Nice card, BUT: if you take a look at the fasoft's FAQ, you'll see: "The Soundblaster Audigy can...
  10. P

    Simple Question

    What does PAN mean? :) Thanx!
  11. P


    Hey all... I want to make a pc-recording of my band. I have a Behringer MX2004A, works great to me. I use n-track, which responds to all my needs... Now, my question is: I'm recording everything 1by1 (drums first, then bass, lead guitar, 2nd guitar, vocals) Now what I want to know is, when...
  12. P


    Hey all... I want to make a pc-recording of my band. I have a Behringer MX2004A, works great to me. I use n-track, which responds to all my needs... Now, my question is: I'm recording everything 1by1 (drums first, then bass, lead guitar, 2nd guitar, vocals) Now what I want to know is, when i...
  13. P


    It would be nice to get some comments on this song :) thanx
  14. P

    thx for the help

    thank you! :) ahh, now i'm going to buy N-track studio :) Cya all! :p
  15. P


    hey, i think i might have a problem with my 'studio' ( room :) ). i'm planning to record the whole track at once, but i think the drum sounds will reach the guitar's/vocals' mics. I need any opinion, please :) Main Question: is this a doable setup? thanx
  16. P


    hey, i downloaded the demo, but if i record my drums, and then try to add guitar to it, i still get this analog sound. I'm shure i will buy it, but i wont if that analog thing will be there...Any help please? N-track is great :)
  17. P


    Hey, I'm a bit very new to computer recording, but my question is: what is the best recording program? I mean, I have a Behringer 2004(MX) as mixer; I record the whole song at once (so no overdubbing) What would be the best program for me? And what has Cakewalk to offer that other programs dont...
  18. P

    Analog (problem?)

    Hey, I'm using Cool Edit Pro series and when i do a multitrack recording (1by1) i always get this analog beeping sound. What's the cause of this? I'm recording with Shure SM58's so i dont think the problem will lie there.... Any help? :) Thanx in advance
  19. P


    Hey all. I'm a bit new to (home)recording. I'm setting up my studio but here's the deal: I want to record Digital (on computer). So, I have a SB Audigy external kit, so putting it on my pc won't be a problem. I have a 'mixer' from JB systems (=crap, it used to be my dad's) but i want to make a...