Search results

  1. M

    Split stereo wav

    Can SoundForge (full or XP) split a stereo wav to separate mono wavs? I can't seem to find the option. Thanks!
  2. M

    Anyone use Master Writer?

    I've read reviews, but it basically looks like a $300 rhyming dictionary. In an era where Shania is arguably the most successful lyricist of our time, a lyric writing tool seems kinda stupid.
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    Any good success stories ($)?

    A while back I asked if anyone here was making money from writing and, as I recall, the most successful person was hoping to recoup a Taxi membership. Anyone finding financial success (Nashville, CD Baby, CD's at gigs, video game sountracks, etc.)?
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    Any 'good' Linux audio and MIDI software?

    Spyware and viruses are driving me away from Windows, but I'm wondering if there's any acceptable digital audio editing and MIDI sequencing software yet available on Linux? (My definition of 'acceptable' excludes Audacity and Jazz++...)
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    VF16/160 users - would you buy something else?

    After researching the new Korg and Tascam units, I've all but decided to go with a VF160EX. One question: If your VF16/160 was stolen, would you replace it or buy something else (and if so, what?) Thanks!
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    Fostex next model - any rumors?

    Now that Korg has the XD series and Tascam has released the 2488, I figure it's about time for Fosex to blow them away with something like a "VF-24." There's nothing on their site, but I believe the MR-8 was rumored before it appeared in their literature. Does anybody have any 'inside info' on...
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    Start label for other artist?

    This may seem better suited to the promotion forum, but that's become a 'Thunderdome' for spam... There's a singer/songwriter that comes through my area every month or so who has recorded several CD's on his own and ekes out a meager living just playing music. He strikes me as a unique talent -...
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    How much do 'successful' indie bands make?

    Many recent discussions have been thematically tied to the 'craft' of writing, and the differences between writing to a specifc market 'formula' (trying to get published) versus writing as an artist (writing in the context of a band and a record deal, etc.) Thinking about the latter, I keep...
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    MR-8 space limitations - new card or new unit?

    Hey, y'all - As much as I love my MR-8, I'm discovering that the space limitation can hinder the creative process. If I'm tracking something 'planned', like a band demo of cover songs, there's no problem as the transfering of tracks to computer just becomes part of the 'process' of recording...
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    Singing your own song

    After years of frustration I have made the difficult decision to part ways with my vocalist, and find myself starting over (for what seems like the millionth time...) I'm interested in how you all, as writers, get your material out in front of audiences (In particular, those of you who are...
  11. M

    Censorship - Alanis doing more harm than good?

    The quotes below are from a blurb I found on CNN regarding Alanis Morisette's stunt at the Juno's: --------------------------------------------------------- "As you may or may not be aware, recently in the United States, I ran into a little problem with regards to a lyric in one my songs,"...
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    Guitar to bass - equipment re-use?

    I'm branching out from guitar into bass and in the interest of marital harmony, would like to avoid all new purchases if existing gear can pull double duty. I have a QSC power amp we used for driving stage monitors - paired with a bass cabinet, would that do the trick for amplification? (Too...
  13. M

    Meter changes - genius or sloppy?

    I've started working with a fledgling singer/songwriter who impressed me with the character of his voice and relative maturity of his songs (a variation on the art-judging theme that it's almost impossible to pick a hit, but quite simple to tell if a writer is 'in the ballpark'). We picked one...
  14. M

    "Best" pitch correction/vocal processor?

    I have the original digitech (VH-5?) which is quite dated. I recall reading claims that the latest generation of these units can radically change the sound of a vocal, to the point where Celine Dion could come out sounding like Springsteen. Any suggestions for a product that not only corrects...
  15. M

    MIDI-triggered MP3 player software?

    Does anyone know of an application that allows control of MP3 (or WAV) playback via MIDI control? Would be pretty simple to write, but if something already exists... I'm talking about a jukebox/playlist type application that would allow start/stop and navigating through a setlist with MIDI...
  16. M

    Any PS5 refugees lurking?

    Since the Tascam site imploded there doesn't seem to be much of a community left.
  17. M

    m-Audio Audiophile USB

    (Sorry about the cross post, but I'm using Cakewalk and n-Track) With an m-Audio Audiophile USB audio interface attached to my laptop, the windows audio mixer no longer appears (I get the 'reinstall mixer' message that appears to be pretty common, but no help is offered from Microsoft or the...
  18. M

    m-Audio Audiophile USB problem

    With an m-Audio Audiophile USB audio interface attached to my laptop, the windows audio mixer no longer appears (I get the 'reinstall mixer' message that appears to be pretty common, but no help is offered from Microsoft or the vendor.) The interface plays back audio, but the problem is there's...
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    Pro Audio 9 + Celeron + Single audio track = crap

    I recall running multiple audio and midi tracks on an old P90. Now that I have a desperate need to record a single acoustic guitar track along with two MIDI tracks onto a Fujitsu 500MHz Celeron laptop - even setting the audio to mono/22KHz - playback is unusable (choppy, out of sync, etc.) Is...
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    A local music store is going out of business and has VF's at mail order prices (VF8 = $489, VF16 = $699) At $699, the VF16 looks like a great deal compared to the new Tascam/Boss/Korg 16 tracks. Anyone have experience using the SCSI port (ZIP drive, etc.) to share wavs with a PC? Is this even...