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  1. R

    How do I add my mix to my post?

    I used the tools provided but I get an error message. The mix is am M4A and only 7.8 mb but it will not let me attach it.
  2. R

    Too Quiet?

    Hi Everyone! I have mostly been a lurker for the past few years, learning and experimenting. I am attempting to master myself mostly due to budgetary constraints. I have read a lot of info and many seam to say the max output level should be -6 dB I have done that and I like the mix, the...
  3. R

    Stacking multiple track E.G. Vox, Guitars, Bass

    Hi All, I am not sure if this is a recording and or mixing question. I liked the sound of stacked (doubled or multiple tracked) Vocals and Guitars but I am not sure about a few things. I can hear that Eminem at least double tracks his main vocal track and they seemed to be panned dead center...
  4. R

    "HELL ON EARTH" Second Pass on Mix

    I took the advice given, and did a second pass on the mix I switched out the AD2 Snare sample with 2 layered samples and tweaked the effects on the kit just so slightly I dialed back the vocals and added some reverb and a hint of delay I took off the low pass filter I had on the bass this...
  5. R

    Metal? I thought I would throw myself to the wolves

    I bought the Killer Home Recording ebook a few years ago and in spare time, here and there put a small home studio together to record my band when time allows. I work crazy hours. I am using ProTools 11 an MBoxPro interface For the Bass I did two tracks I used a sans amp DI and a Peavey XXX...