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  1. S

    Cubase 6 Education

    Hey, I'm just about to purchase the new Cubase 6 for my home studio. However, I am a student so I'm am eligible for educational pricing. What I want to know is are there any differences (apart from it being half the price) between the full versions and educational versions, maybe lengths of the...
  2. S

    Cubase Tutorial Resources

    I finally got my Cubase DAW set up today (all new equipment arrived yesterday) - I set up everything to check if it worked and it does. But before I start recording, I was thinking I should probably take a crash course in Cubase and learn some of the tricks. Does anyone know of any good tutorial...
  3. S

    FirewWire 400 vs 800

    Hey, I was wondering if anyone can give me some info about the different FireWire speeds. I have a MacBook with a FireWire 400 port and am looking to get an Audio Interface. However, looking at different products they say different things, for example: - The Steinberg MR816X says FireWire 800...
  4. S

    Steinberg MR816X System Requirements

    Hi Guys, I'm new to the forum and realized I may have posted my question in the wrong section. I'm looking to set up a home studio to record my drums and also my bands music. I have 2009 MacBook (2GHz Processor, 4GB Ram, Firewire Port) and I'm also currently running Cubase 5 Essential. What I...
  5. S

    Firewire Audio Interface Advice

    Hi Guys, Basically I am deciding to take the plunge and set up a little home studio to record my rock band project. I used to do all of my recordings at school, but I've now left so no longer have access to the studio there. Recently I've been doing recordings on GarageBand using either the Mic...