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  1. M

    Optimal volume levels for recording?

    Hi Friends, I'm recording a digital piano through an interface to Cubase on my laptop. I'm just curious what volume levels you think would be best. I have 4 components I need to worry about: 1. Digital piano volume 2. Input channel on interface volume 3. Output channel on interface...
  2. M

    First. Recording. Ever. Check it out!

    Hi Friends, Attached is a short (~10 seconds) MP3. It is just a little blurb. I will be doing some serious recording though. I'm using a Yamaha P-85 Digital Piano, a Yamaha Audiogram 3 interface, and Cubase AI 5. I would appreciate any criticism and any pointers you might have. I figure it...
  3. M

    Digital piano recording: mono or stereo?

    Hello Friends, Is it better to record a digital piano (via an audio interface into Cubase) in mono or in stereo? Why? Thanks!
  4. M

    So close!

    Hi Friends, Thanks for all your help in my other other threads. I've made a lot of progress recording my digital piano music and am getting so close to having a sample ready. 2 problems: 1. I have managed to record a quick sample on Cubase; however, when I play it back, I can only hear it...
  5. M

    Newbie about to take the plunge!

    Hi Friends, Alright, so I have a digital piano, a Yamaha Audiogram 3 interface, and Cubase. I'm read to start recording my piano music. I just wanted to ask all you experts out there: What are some of the common mistakes that rookies make? What are the common ruts that rookies find...
  6. M

    Cubase/Steinber/ELicenser issues...

    Dear Friends, Please, oh please help! I'm simply trying to install my Cubase 5 software. To do so, I had to go to to get an elicense with which I would register my software. The problem is, after downloading eLicenser, no elicense showed up in my control panel! I can't...
  7. M

    MIDI Interface/Notation Software/Recording...

    Dear Friends, I'm new here, and am very grateful for this "newbie" board. I appreciate your patience with my simple questions. I have a Yamaha P85 digital piano. I want to: (1) Get a good Midi Interface cable. I'm considering the Yamaha UX16. What do you recommend? (2) Get some good...