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  1. E

    Sp-B1's vs MXL604 vs Rode NT5 (overheads)

    Right! Ok I actually have a pair of b1's and a pair of MXL604's but I was thinking about getting NT5's (stereo matched pair). Is there a noticable difference between those? I will probably demo them but I just wanted to see if anyone had experience with these. Money wise they are about...
  2. E

    Guitar plug in help?

    Hello peeps! OK I have a question and hopefully it can be answered here. Here goes: A friend of mine plays electric guitar (and records it) and his recordings pretty much sound like poopie. It is mainly because he has total crap gear (both guitar and soundcard). I do realize that crap in =...
  3. E

    Surface for kit to sit on

    Hi, I currently have a kit in a bonus room that has typical walls with typical carpeting (floor only). I currently use an old rug that the drums sit on. The rug is on top of the carpeted floor. But my question is this: Does it matter what the drums sit on as far as the sound I will get...
  4. E

    Space Coupler

    Hey does anyone have any experience with these? Or has anyone DIY'ed them? I have a small space and these look pretty cool but I am wondering if they are effective. Thanks!
  5. E

    More outboard gear?

    Well I am curious about outboard gear such as compressors or eq vs software plugins. I am currently recording my drums straight into a Firepod then just into the DAW via firewire. I usually do compression and eq'ing with the plugins of the recording app. But my question is: Is there a...
  6. E

    SP B1's vs MXL 604 (for overheads)

    Just curious. Any takers?
  7. E

    Audix D6 Placement?

    Hi all. I was wondering if anyone has any experience with a D6. I bought one a couple of months ago but I cant get the right sound out of it. The "click" is way to prominent and the low end sounds really muddy. Is this just that way by design? I have made sure the kick is tuned properly and...
  8. E

    Cheapie preamp for me?

    Hello all, I am going to upgrade the pre's on my overheads (cheap). Right now I have them running through a Behringer mixer and the sound is ok but I would like to get something a little better. I am looking at the DMP3 and the Presonus TubePre (not the blue tube). Does anyone have...
  9. E

    Kick too boomy when recording

    OK ... this is driving me nuts. I have a 22" Yamaha Stage Custom kick with a new remo powerstroke 4 batter head. The resonant is a remo with a 4" hole in it. I also have an Evans Gate eq (reallly just a little pillow) in the drum as well. When I record it sounds just too boomy. I am not...
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    Best 300 dollar snare?

    Hello, I am just curious about thoughts and opinions. It doesnt matter what wood/metal. I am just curious as to which one peeps like the best for that particular "bang for the buck" :) (This is Errr314's wife and he can't have another 300 dollar snare). Love you Errr. :)
  11. E

    Tama Snare

    Hey have anyone used or heard one of these? I cant find any reviews or information on them. Thanks for any info!