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  1. R

    what's a shielded cable anyway?

    A real newbie question, please forgive my ignorance! How can you tell the difference between a shielded and unshielded cable by looking? Are normal guitar cables shielded?
  2. R

    Preamp out?

    I have a Peavey 158 guitar amp which has an output jack called preamp out. Is this the same as a line out? Is it safe to plug into a sound card without a DI box?
  3. R

    Reverse panning?

    Hi, recently I recorded a number of songs onto my harddisk using cakewalk. After mixing them down I realized I made a big mistake - All of the songs were panned opposite! This was because my speakers were wrongly connected. Now I don't know how to change them back to the panning that I want. I...
  4. R

    Digitech RP-7 vs DOD VGS50

    I am thinking of getting a multi effects box for guitar soon.At first when I saw the Digitech RP-7 I set my mind on buying it. But someone told me that the DOD VGS50 is similar to the RP-7 as Digitech and DOD are related. The VGS50 is cheaper as well. Does anyone have comments on this...
  5. R

    CDR question

    I know this is more of a hardware question but I'm sure you guys can help me out!Well I just bought a Yamaha 6416S CD Writer connected to an Adaptec 2903B SCSI Card. The SCSI Card and my sound card, SB Live are sharing the same IRQ and I couldn't get the Yamaha to work because of the conflict...
  6. R

    Need newbie advice on DI box

    I currently hook up my guitar preamp into sound card but it's bad and now I want to record direct from my guitar amp into sound card with a DI. I hope to get something cheap (less than $50). Which brand should I get? Does anyone have comments on the DOD direct boxes?