Recent content by westg8

  1. W

    EQing, hard limiting, and compressing

    I have a few questions pertaining to mastering some songs my band has done. As this is for demo purposes, I don't feel we need to spend the money to send anything to a mastering house yet, but I would like to get the best sound possible. I've mixed one song down to a single waveform, and I...
  2. W

    Does software affect the quality?

    I use Cool Edit Pro 2 to record my bands songs that we use as demos. One member thinks that using a higher-end software package will result in better results in quality. But I disagreed saying that the software just lets you manipulate the data in the computer. The sound card (we have an...
  3. W


    Hey everyone, Being a newbie, i may come off ignorant asking this, but anywho, i was thinking about incorporating some sample type stuff into my band's music (we play rock music) such as cheesy nintendo-esque sounds - or possibly a techno/drum beat. How would this best be accomplished in a...
  4. W

    Sesame Street Rock cover

    Hey everyone, I thought I'd try and cover this one Sesame Street song that Ernie once sung called "I'd Like to Visit the Moon." Some of you may remember it from the show. Anyway, I kinda made it a bit spiffier hopefully. The link is below: sQuirt - I'd Like to Visit the Moon (right click...
  5. W

    Replace mic or mic preamp

    Hey, I am working on upgrading my recording equipment as it is not the greatest set up. When recording demos for my band, I use a low end shure microphone (14A) and the bands built-in pre-amps in our PA head unit (it's a Crate PA6 i think). Anyway, I know that the head unit isn't the best...
  6. W

    recording problem when switching

    Upon upgrading to CEP 2.0, I'm having some trouble recording with my delta 44 soundcard. When I used the older version, the device preferences allowed me to choose either "delta 44 1/2" or "delta 44 3/4." However, now i only have the option for "delta 44" which doesn't give me the ability to...
  7. W

    violins without violins

    hey there. I'm completely new to making synthesized or electronic sounds to replace live instruments. We've always just recorded all our tracks live. However, in the future I'd like to put some violins on of our songs. As I don't know any violionists or could hire a symphony, I'd like to do...
  8. W

    rock-pop tune

    hey everyone. I was just wondering what everyone thought of this one song our band recorded. If I told you how we did a lot of it, you'd probably laugh, hehe, but we did use a delta 44, CEP, and some 14A (??) Shure Mics. I know it's not the greatest, but some critiquing could help us...
  9. W

    recording live performances

    Ok, here's the deal. My old high school puts on a yearly event called the Concert 4 Life which helps raise money for AIDS research. My band is playing there as well as 9 other local bands. The committee informed us that they were hiring a sound guy to do the mixing and what-not. I was...
  10. W


    Hello there. I'd just like to know if anybody can tell me how to use the compression tool in cool edit. I understand the basic concept of compression in general - but all these graphs and ratio numbers i don't quite get. the vocals that i record always fluctuate so much, as well as the bass...
  11. W

    too much bass

    Hey there. My band is recording a few demo songs on to my pc. I have a delta 44 soundcard and crappy monitors (actually its just stereo speakers). I'm in no way looking for perfection, but this definitely irritates me. It seems that the guitars have too much bass in them. The guitars then...
  12. W

    cd labeling w/o cd labels

    hello - i have a question about cd labeling. Rather than to just buy cd labels to label my cd's, i was thinking of just using address labels cause i have many of those already (and since i would printing just a small logo of the band name, it would save a lot of ink). Then i would cut out the...
  13. W

    compression, again

    Hello. I'm a newbie to pc recording and my band has been working on an album to hand out to family and friends. Thus far, we have 8 recorded, and 4 more to go. I'm using cool edit pro, and i'm confused about how the compression works. I've tried to understand it by reading articles on...
  14. W

    Recording Bass Guitar

    Hello, I'm new to recording and am having trouble recording bass guitar. Firstly, I'm running through the line output (i think it actually says pre-amp mic output i believe) of the bass amplifier directly to my soundcard) cause my mics are too crappy to mic the amp. Anyway, hopefully this...
  15. W

    16-bit or 24-bit?

    Hi. I am just recording and i got CEP for software. I was wondering if i should record in 16-bit or 32-bit and if there is any significant differance. Also, when asked to choose it says 32-bit (float). What does this mean? Thanks for any response.