Recent content by vampireontitus

  1. V

    Tascam MSR16: Listening and Monitoring is Hot But Printing Very Low and Noisey

    Yes, the machine's meters are also high.
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    Tascam MSR16: Listening and Monitoring is Hot But Printing Very Low and Noisey

    All the replay sounds fine and everything, I've cleaned the tape heads, and I record hot into the tape, monitoring it completely fine through my mixer, but when it records it's incrediblyyyy quiet and noisey. Is this a problem with my tape or mixer or tape machine?
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    Behringer Xenyx X2222USB No Sound

    My Behringer Xenyx X2222USB is not taking any sound and not emitting any sound. It turns on but there is no power light. The +48 v light is on though. I'm just using a standard IEC cable, probably not the original. Does this model have a super specific power supply or something?
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    Tascam TSR-8 to 4 Bus Mixer Set-Up

    Hey, I recently got a Tascam TSR-8, and I have a big Yamaha MC2404 (24 Channels 4 Bus) mixer, and was wondering how I can connect them. I used to just use a little 8 input/output mixer, and a 8 cable RCA-1/4" and switched from output to input, but I have many more inputs and outputs on this...
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    Tascam 688 - How To Adjust Eq And Faders During Playback?

    BEFORE I START: I have read the manual, don't just comment "rtfm". I have not found this in it. I can use the cue monitor section to pan and change volume, but nothing else. I want to actually adjust the eqs of tracks and have the tactile usage of faders when playing back my tapes...