Recent content by undotorture

  1. U

    Hard Disk vs. CPU Recording

    Yes, I am a newbie to the world of recording...scratch that. I am new to the world of spending-a-bunch-of-money-to-make-a-decent recording. My question refers to the use of hard disk systems as opposed to computer recording. Is it worth it to go with hard disk? I'm not a huge fan of using...
  2. U

    55SH worth the look?

    i'm considering buying a shure 55SH for live purposes (sure, i could go for a 58, but the 55 looks badass which is half my reason for wanting it onstage with me). my question is, is it worth the cost and sound quality just to get a strange (by modern standards) microphone? will i ever find a...
  3. U

    Word Clock?

    I understand the way that recording with a computer and other various digital systems works, but I've never understood the word clock? Is it a phase issue (phasephasephase...) or something with the abilities of the different components?