Recent content by TunaTheFish

  1. T

    ignore sorry

    sorry being a noob that i am i posted twice. sorry :(
  2. T

    Budget graphics card (Under £30!!)

    At the moment i have a Geforce 4 MX440 128mb graphics card. However, i am finding that this is basically crap and keeps crashing when i use cubase or play ANY games :mad...
  3. T

    random crashes and errors

    Well, in preperation for my first recording attempt i decided to clean up my computer. my computer has never had any problems until i decided to clean it up I downloaded some Nvidia driver, and straight away my pc did not play COD2 anymore, i contacted activision and was told my graphics card...
  4. T

    really need help felling terrible

    argh on second thoughts no
  5. T

    budget recording oh yeh

    Hi, we are thinking about getting a recording studio, i just have a few questions about our proposed setup, and if there are any changes we should make. At the moment we have a computer, keyboard, effects pedal with direct out for recording, 2 electric and one acoustic guitar. We want to be able...
  6. T

    setting up home recording

    Hi, we are thinking about getting a recording studio, i just have a few questions about our proposed setup, and if there are any changes we should make. At the moment we have a computer, keyboard, effects pedal with direct out for recording, 2 electric and one acoustic guitar. We want to be able...
  7. T

    Vox AD30VT, or Pod 2.0

    I am stuck between choosing either the Vox AD30T Or buying a Line 6 Pod 2.0 If i bought the VOX there would be no real need for an effects pedal as the amp already has effects in it, am i right in thinking that? I played on the VOX today and i really like it and thought it played well, but i...
  8. T

    Les paul standard/studio/doublecut

    Hi i am getting a new guitar soon but i don't fully understand the difference between the les paul standard, studio and double cut. I do not have enough money for a standard i have about £600-700. Has the studio got worse hardware?? Has anyone got a studio, do they sound the same as a standard...
  9. T

    Will this work?

    Ok, so i went out and bought a sound blaster audigy souncard, but then found out that they are crap for recording... great. :mad: So what i am planning on doing now is buying the audiophile 2496 which has been reccomended to me by so many people and a small mixer...
  10. T

    A few quick noob questions.

    Hi, i'm relatively new to recording, need to ask a few quick questions. 1. As i have a slight delay when recording could my soundcard be a cause of this (atm i have a CRAP sound card, i cannot install my good one until i re-order new drivers) If yes, then will a better sound card fix this? 2...
  11. T

    Which guitar to buy

    Hi, i am going to be buying a new guitar soon, on a budget of around £500, can anyone reccomend one which is good value and worth it, maybe i could stretch to £600 if needs be. Thanks :)
  12. T

    delay when recording please help

    basically when we try and record there is always a delay. This happens on both keyboard and guitar after playing it takes some time before cubase picks the signal up and records it, it is not much, maybe a few milliseconds but it sounds out of sync when you play it back after recording on top of...
  13. T

    16 bit / 24 bit whats the difference?

    What is the difference between a 16 bit sound card and a 24 bit, i mean would there be a noticable sound difference when recording, playning music e.t.c For someone like me who only records his own stuff, nothing big would it be worth getting a 24 bit sound card?
  14. T

    Cant record guitar

    Argh this problem is annoying now i hope someone can hepl me! I have just installed a new sound card and external its a audigy platinum eX, and i cant record it in Cubase i dont know why. I have the line out from my pre amp plugged into the line in on the external device, but cubase doesnt...
  15. T

    Reccomend speakers set for me :-)

    Can anybody reccomend a good 5.1 speaker set for me, am looking to spend no more than £100 ( i know its not much but im broke after buying other equipment :-) ) I dont know much about speaker, but i would need one where the rear speakers have long wires, (probably about 3-4 metres) do they come...