
I'm Jason (he/him) and I create music as a hobby and will be converting my old bedroom into a recording studio once construction on my home is complete. I will be attempting to record live drums, guitar, bass and piano. I intend to purchase a Scarlett 18i8 and will mic my drumkit with a Berhinger B2 Pro Condensor mic, an Audix i5 and a Shure SM 58, plus either another i5 or SM58 once I decide which I like best for an additional overhead (I'll have a kick mic, snare mic, and an overhead, then two overheads when I get another mic) ...or maybe I'll go C~razy and get an SM57, who can really tell!

I'll experiment with the setup and finding the right mics for the right instruments/vocals. I'm a complete beginner so it'll be a long (and hopefully fun) process.
Albany, OR