Recent content by ShortySMC

  1. S

    Waves Hardware - DLS / IOS

    If you haven't seen these.... Avid Pro Audio Community - View Single Post - Waves DLS DiGiGrid DLS | Hardware | Waves Super Super sick, fully scalable...... I'm super stoked to start working with mine (On it's way) Really digging the concept of a separate dedicated DSP Server ...... and the...
  2. S

    Shorty's Custom Console - The SMC9600

    Oops. Well, I just posted this in the Tascam section, but u know... it works in both. Have had a lot of interest in the project and was referred here, so I figured I'd share. Ok, the 9600. Tascam M3500 + M3700 + US2400 = The SMC9600 In service, sounding AWESOME, and more mods to come. I've...
  3. S

    What's your Tascam product?

    Tascam M3500 + M3700 + US2400 = SMC 9600 ;) Tascam M3500 + M3700 + US2400 = 9600 I really needed the channel count and built this console to replace my Control 24 and some outboard. Ended up as a 56/112 Channel, 8+8 bus, 6+6 aux, (Bus's & Aux's separate per side of console, but patched)...