Recent content by scourge

  1. S

    plug ins?

    hey does any one here know of any good free eq plug ins that are not demos iv looked at alot of web sites but i never find one for eqs
  2. S

    plug in help

    ok here goes i have downloaded several effects such as compressers and reverb and such and as long as the are direct x plug ins i can use them but when i get a vst i dont know how to get them to open or get them into the n-track effects files HELP! when i down loaded them on to my puter i did so...
  3. S

    my first recording be gentle

    ok this is my first recording its got some flaws in the playing and editing im sure you will hear and no doubt let me know about but im just curious of what others think about the over all recording. i played all the instruments including accustic drums, guitars, bass, and my sister sang on it...
  4. S

    fixing mistakes

    hey guys i have recorded my first song on the mr-8 and put it onto my n-track but there are a couple of mistakes in it and i dont know how to repair them without doing the whole track over how do you punch in and out or copy and paste or what ever it is you do to fix such things? also how can i...
  5. S

    plug ins

    does anyone here know of any free plug ins that will work with n-track? if so would you be so kind as to give the links please thanx bryan
  6. S

    new mr-8user with loads of questionshey im totally new to this home recording thing

    hey im new to this home recording thing. im a guitar player who used to love recording with his band and it sparked an intrest but im clueless about what alot of the terminology meens iv been reading through the manual but by the time i try to aply what ive read it gets all jumbled up in my...