Recent content by revsound

  1. R

    Focusrite ISA 428

    Just wondering if anyone here is using the ISA 428 and what they think of it.
  2. R

    slip editing ?

    Does anyone know if it is possible slip edit 12 tracks at the same time. I find when recording drums and the drummer screws up , I have to slip edit back a bar 1 track at a time ( wrist killer ). I realize I could set it up to record over the part I punch in, but I would rather have the...
  3. R

    DM241 st 8 adat not sending direct out

    Anyone ever have this problem ? I can see signal coming in on the DM 24 blue screen, but on my HDSP 9652 soundcard mixer nothing is going to the first 8 channels. I have all DM 24 channels set to direct out. I hope I am just missing a small setting, not my sound card fried because it used to...
  4. R

    Tascam DM-24 and Sonar

    Is it possible to get the volume envelopes in Sonar to transmit midi data to the Tascam DM-24 motorized faders , so the envelopes I draw by hand in Sonar can be seen moving the faders on the board ?
  5. R

    Quality of S.E. Electronics mics

    Just wondering if anyone here has used the mics from S.E electonics and what you thought. I use Rode mics right now and was wondering if they were compareable. Specifically the SE3500 tube mic that looks like the C-12VR compared to the Rode NTK. Thanks in advance for your help.
  6. R

    Cleaning the Audio Folder Per project ???

    Just wondering if Sonar has this type of feature? When I used to have a Roland VS-1880 you could optomize on a "Song by Song basis", and it simply got rid of old takes ect. Is that possible in Sonar on a per project basis, and not have to go through all the audio in the computer ?
  7. R

    Anyone using Sonar and UAD-1 card?

    Just wondering if anyone has this comination, and if the results are worth the investment?
  8. R

    Audio Drop outs

    Anyone out there having problems with a song just stopping for no reason. The CPU and DISK meters are barely moving, and I don't have many plugins going and about 20 - 30 tracks. thanks in advance for your help