Recent content by PushtoVent

  1. P

    Tighter Cleaner Vocals. i.e. Korn

    Ok, this may be the dumbest thing I ever ask on here. What is done for that 'Studio Sound' on Vocals. Example being, on Korn's Life is Peacy, the secret track is Jon singing Twist. I can get vocals to sound like that, or better, on tape. But when you play the album cut, the vocals are much...
  2. P

    Mix Even? Want some input- Hard Rock.

    How is the mix on this song? I'm thinking maybe drop the guitars a little for the verses, and kick them back up in the prechorus-chorus. Overall opinions? On anything? Let me know what you think. Chris
  3. P

    R2-D2 on Electric Guitar!

    Hey guys, I am by no means a guitar player (Vocals mainly, drums second). But I try, and I have a cheap ass little Epiphone Les Paul Knock-Off, and a cheap Crate practice amp. But I've found this works on my guitarists rig too. Turn your dirty channel on, and palm mute your strings with your...
  4. P

    Good drums, Sound bad on tape.

    My drummer plays a DW kit, and has it all tuned up nice, and it sounds great when we play. I tried to record it, and it sounds awful. I have an MP3 posted online here, and I wondered if anyone could tell me what I'm doing wrong. Especially...
  5. P

    I've been reading this BBS for 6 months.

    I've been reading this BBS for 6 months, and tomorrow my band starts production on our first full length album. We have: AKG C 3000B Microphone for vocals and acoustic instruments. AKG D 112 Microphone for bass drum, and bass. Sennheiser E825 S Microphone for snare DOD 830 Series II Graphic EQ...