Recent content by Pengo

  1. P

    Sound card recordings sound flat?!

    :confused: I've been lining in to my sound card (on-board realtek ac-97, straight to LINE-IN)with various pre-amps (behringer mic 100 tube pre-amp, sansamp classic) and guitar effects etc.. and it sounds fine coming back out through the headphone jack of that same soundcard, but when i RECORD ...
  2. P

    Samson q-2 mike?

    I'm just wondering if anyone has used this particular mic, and if does it compare? Thanks
  3. P

    Fostex Mn-15 mixer/compressor??

    Has anyone out there ever heard of this thing? I've tried searching the web, but i get like, two hits... leading me to believe that it's completely obselete... The thing is, I have a loan of one and am having a hard time making it do anything useful.... If anyone knows anything about it, i'd...
  4. P

    Channel Inserts on 488mkII?

    uh...what do the channel inserts do? And how about the 2tr input and the sub input? I'm looking at them and going..."huh?" I've heard something about using channel inserts to put a compressor in-line with the mic, but how? thanks.... pengo
  5. P

    Warbly Tascam 488 mkII

    i just got a second hand 488mkII...and it warbles... sorta faintly, but on sustained tones or feedback or anything, it's Really bad.... I was just wondering if this is common with this unit? Is it easy to fix? Is there a way around it? Is there any point getting another one, do they all do it...
  6. P

    Warbly tascam 488 mkII...???

    Hi...i just got my second hand 488, and it warbles faintly...when you're recording a sustained tone or feedback , it's REALLY noticeable... i'm that common for that machine? Is it hard to fix? arghhhh Is it somehow circumventable? Any tips? Thanks....
  7. P

    Tascam 488 mkII

    You're gonna hate me for asking this, but... here goes! I'm getting a Tascam 488 mkII. With no manual. Tascam DOESN'T have it on their site, and, literally, I can't afford to pay forty bucks for it (me being in Canada, it might even cost more!!) I've searched and searched , etc. I guess what...