Recent content by nomorenoless

  1. N

    buffer size too big

    can the buffer size be changed on my soundblaster live? i need it to be lower so i can use a guitar effect pluggin in real time. i'm not real knowledgable about this. yet. i'm having about a one second latency, which is too much. need close to zero. i think the buffer is set at about 5000, but...
  2. N

    guitar processing software

    any suggestions on good or decent guitar processing software? amp emulation, distortion, eq, delay and such. free would be nice. or under 100$. i'm using soundblasterlive, cakewalk,wd 80gig hd, and an amd 1700 cpu.
  3. N

    alternative operating systems

    wondering what operating systems will work with cakewalk and/or fruityloops? is windows the only one? it seems so big and full of stuff i don't use or seem to need. do all you veteran recorder people use windows? i might get a new system and i was wondering what you thought about non-windows OS...
  4. N

    midi to wav?

    is there a way to convert a whole midi song into a wav file in pro audio 9? like you can do in fruity loops.
  5. N

    simple fruity loops question

    i'm not seeing something here in fruity loops. probably right here in my face. i don't understand how to select a pattern to play in the playlist. i can only get one at a time to work. as soon as i open a second one, the first one disappears. i don't think i'm 'selecting' it right. my...
  6. N

    guitar processor question...

    anybody know if it will hurt my digitech rp300 if i plug my zoom 510 dual distortion driver into it? the order of things would be; guitar, zoom 510, digitech rp300, mixer, computer (for recording). i want a bit hotter guitar sound, but i'm afraid of fried diodes and such. some people say try...
  7. N

    n-track purchasing help?

    i've saved my nickels and dimes and i'm wanting to buy n-track, but alas, i am creditcardless. has anybody sent a money order a-way over there across the ocean and had it get there? i don't even know what kinda stamps to put on it. or, is there another way to buy n-track here in the...
  8. N

    did i ask this already?

    i downloaded "waveflow", but the tools ( reverb, phase, etc.) are not working or even acknowleding my existence. anybody know why they won't work. waveflow is supposed ta be a music editing program, but the editing parts are not activated. anybody know how ta get em going? help would be...
  9. N

    looking for n-track...

    i read somewhere in here that ya could get n-track for around 30$. where can i get it for that? if not that cheap, then where is the best price to be had? anybody know? i'm about ta run outta my 30 days, and i think this n-track is the best one for cheap. if i can find it for cheap? am i...
  10. N

    soundblaster chasing its own tail?

    anybody know if and or how i can record some synth sounds from my soundblaster built in synth/keyboard onto a new track without using the "what u hear" setting on my record options? i don't want to record all the other tracks onto this synth/keyboard track. i want it to be isolated for volume...
  11. N

    i have a burning question...

    anyonw know if there are different quality levels of the final cd burn? i don't mean the mix. i mean, do some cd burners burn better cds? differenfnt end quality?
  12. N

    about these download program purchases

    i was wondering if anyone knows whether or not these downloaded recording programs, that are unlocked with a password, can be copied to cd in case of computer crash and such. if i pay 60$ for a program, and then my computer coughs and sputters and loses it, i don't wanna be out another 60 ta get...
  13. N

    is it really worth it?

    oh my anger explodith. can't find a free digital 4 track that's worth the effort. 400mhz is all i've got so the newer ones geek out on me. i'm too poor to buy anything for about 2 months. anybody know where i can get a good un? anybody know where i can get cakewalk guitar 2 for cheap? not the...
  14. N

    this annoying ticking

    i'm recording with my quartz audiofree 4 track. i put down drum tracks with success, but my guitar tracks have this annoying ticking sound. it is random and not all the time, but it is making me crazed. sounds like i'm listening to an old lp that is years old. scratchy. help anyone?