Recent content by Musicandvibes

  1. M

    Need help assessing 3 singles from a multi-genre concept album

    Out of these Moonlight sounds like the safest choice to my ears, although I’m not sure if it’s the best representation of the project since it’s a bit different than the other tracks.
  2. M

    Feedback on a song in progress

    Just an update!
  3. M

    Feedback on a song in progress

    Hmm noted. Would you say the drums sound too compressed or louder than necessary in the mix?
  4. M

    Feedback on a song in progress

    thanks for the feedback! On the verse synth my main concern is that it feels out of place in the song, maybe the tone of it could be tweaked a bit. Ah ya you maybe on to something with the low end, I’ll try removing some of the excess and see if that improves it overall.
  5. M

    Opinions please.

    I really like the instrumental, the guitars have a nice crunchiness to them and the drums are crisp. It’s a nice mid 70s throwback vibe. I’m a bit iffy on the vocals and the vocal melody of the track, the melody sounds a bit awkward to me personally but that may just be my preference...
  6. M

    Feedback on a song in progress

    Hey y’all, I need feedback on this track, specifically on the verse section with the synth, and general leveling critique. Thankyou
  7. M

    Stormy Weather #final mix and master

    Something with the bass/drum rhythm I think is the only thing I’d try to fix. Everything else sounds great!
  8. M

    New alternative song I’m working on

    Cool thanks for the feedback. I always have trouble with vocals in terms of blending them with the backing track. Not sure if reverb is best approach to resolve but I’ll keep plugging away.
  9. M

    Classic Rock Tune Mixing....."Ready To Rock"

    Damn this is a clean mix.
  10. M

    New alternative song I’m working on

    Hey guys, Just thought I’d share something I’m currently in process of mixing. This is pretty much the first draft, so ya let me know of the levels, song structure and general thoughts. Thanks
  11. M

    Alternative rock song feedback

    ok decided to upload one more final version. Retracked a section. Wondering if the change regressed the mix.
  12. M

    Whats Goin On

    i like the vocals on this one. Pretty pleasant mix overall.
  13. M

    Alternative rock song feedback

    Ok I’ll keep that in mind
  14. M

    Alternative rock song feedback

    Updated my third crack at it. Tried to clean some stuff up.
  15. M

    Alternative rock song feedback

    Thanks for the response guys. I made an edit to the mix, which can be viewed at the top post. Tried changing the vocals around, ect.