Recent content by Mike3354

  1. M

    Can you identify this piece of equipment/sound?

    Hey guys, The sound I'm trying to get with my studio right now is a lot like the the sounds that Devendra Banhart gets, if any of you listen to him. I was wondering if anyone could identify what the boxes stacked about 10 high in the rack are at about...
  2. M


    Hey folks, i'm currently in the process of gutting an Epiphone Dot. It's got a beautiful body and finish, but i'm changing most of the workings that go into the tone to make it worthy of that 335 shape (that's the tone i'm going for, after all). So, the plan is replace the PU's with a classic...
  3. M


    Ok, so the general opinion most people have about treating rooms is that deader is better, and that things like vocals should be recorded in an isolation booth to get the dryest sound possible, then add verb later. Now i'm confused as to why people record stuff like vocals in bathrooms, though...
  4. M

    Tracking Room for One-Man Takes

    Hey guys, I'm moving into a new house, and connected to my room is a small walk-in closet that I want to convert into a small (and it is small for this type of thing- 6'x6') room for tracking single instruments/vocals at a time. I plan on having my computer/preamps/etc... outside the room, and...
  5. M

    Setting up a rack

    Ok, I figure this might be the place to post this, as it is a sort of newbie question, but if it's not i can repost in The Rack section. So, I'm looking to set up a rack, and can't find the overview I'm looking for with the search option, but I might just be overlooking things. I understand...
  6. M

    Setting up a Home Studio

    Hello everyone, I'm relatively new to home recording (and brand new to the forum). I've been doing some recording on my computer with just an SM57, but I've decided to expand and to start creating my own home studio. I have been doing some research on my own, but I feel I need people with more...