Recent content by mickmadness

  1. M

    Blue Kiwi - Need a preamp

    Hi, I just got my Blue Kiwi mic and I love it. I'm currently running it through a RME Fireface 800 and it sounds amazing, but I was wondering what preamps others might pair it up with for an awesome sound. I'd like to get something of top-quality (far better than my RME's preamps). I'm...
  2. M

    BBE 882i Sonic Maximizer - Place in the studio

    Hi, What would be the desired place for a BBE 882i Sonic Maximizer in a home studio? Would it make sense to hook one of these up between the outputs on my interface and my monitors?
  3. M

    Inside the Lines - Rock Song What do you think?
  4. M

    Leather floor tiles or laminate flooring

    Hi, so I have a pretty cool studio room as it is but I was thinking about ripping up the carpet to lay something else down that isn't so prone to staining/smelling bad. Leather floor tiles look cool and probably won't be quite as reflective as laminate floors. I know that ill need to treat...
  5. M

    Akg c414 on Snare

    So I usually use an sm57 on the bottom and top of my snare though I sometimes use an sm81 underneath, but I was wondering if I could use my new akg c414 on snare and if so how would you position it. I purchased it as an allaround studio mic with the intent of buying another and using them for...