Recent content by matt14

  1. M

    Piano song, need opinion.

    Hello! As in title, please give your opinions, thank you!
  2. M

    example of progress in low notes over half of year

    Hello! There is example of my progress in low notes, first part was taken in December, second in June. Please tell what do you think about it and feel free to give tips etc. Thank you.
  3. M

    Short part of Marilyn Manson - Sweet Dreams Cover.

    Hello! Firstly, this is short part because I have bad micro and all screams etc. sounds very bad, so I recorded small part to hear your opinions on my voice. Thank you for response!
  4. M

    Opinions on my voice.

    Hello! Could you rate my voice and give an opinion? Thank you a lot. (I know it is not a singing, I please you for opinion on voice.) (you can hear it on this website online) Thank you! EDIT: Link to soundcloud: