Recent content by konduit

  1. K

    Bizarre Cubase, Delta 1010, Mackie love triangle

    Hello, I got a Mackie 1402 VLZ Pro mixer to replace my club DJ mixer (which I was using for as my mixing board!). I have a computer for multitracking (Cubase SX2) and am using a Delta 1010 soundcard. My problem is that during Cubase playback from the Delta (into the Mackie), there is a strange...
  2. K

    tracks out of synch during export?!

    when i export tracks, sometimes some sounds are off beat by like a millisecond. so i delete the export and try it again till i eventually get a file with everything in synch. has anyone else had this problem? or any fixes? i'm running Cubase 1.06 on a relatively fast computer. i do have a...