Recent content by JohnnK

  1. J

    V67G vs V67GS (Or, do I need a pad?)

    Need to purchase another affordable condenser, and was looking at these two. From all the research I've done, the only difference is a high pass filter, and a 6db pad. The filter, I assume it would be better to do in my DAW. But what about the pad? Is this something that will come in use? I know...
  2. J

    V67G vs V67GS (Or, do I need a pad?)

    Need to purchase another affordable condenser, and was looking at these two. From all the research I've done, the only difference is a high pass filter, and a 6db pad. The filter, I assume it would be better to do in my DAW. But what about the pad? Is this something that will come in use? I...
  3. J

    "Affordable" USB Interface options. Tascam vs Behringer? (US1800 US16x08 vs UMC1820

    "Affordable" USB Interface options. Tascam vs Behringer? (US1800 US16x08 vs UMC1820 On your guys recommendation, I purchased an EMU 0404 many a year ago.. it has run it's course, and now it's time to buy again, unfortunately! I think I'd like to upgrade to something with as many inputs as...
  4. J

    Changing a copied/pasted midi drum track without changing all?

    I'm trying to make some somewhat realistic drums in Sonar 7 using a drum plugin, and it's going alright. THe problem is I'm copying and pasting for 3 bars or whatever, and then having to make a new bar where I want a fill.. Because if I copy and paste for say, 8 bars (or 4, or whatever) and then...
  5. J

    Adjusting input levels in Sonar with E-mu 0404? No option in the driver?

    In the other programs I've played with (Reaper, Cubase), there is a way to adjust the input levels so it's not clipping. With sonar, the only information I can dig up is "Adjust it through your soundcards driver".. I'm running Xp64, and I don't know if it's the case with all their drivers, but...
  6. J

    Well, grabbed the 0404. Couple questions!

    Kind of excited here, although, not much time for it yet. Better figure out if I need to return it before 30 days are up. :D One of the reasons I went with the EMU is it's 64bit support (A big thing for me) and that it came with a bunch of software to try (I have used Cubase in the past. I...
  7. J

    E-MU 0404 USB, or Edirol FA-101

    Well I had narrowed down my choice to an E-MU 0404, because I have only heard good things, but then I was scrolling through Kijiji, and someone is selling a (used) FA-101 for the same price.. Now this is what concerns me, I heard the E-MU 0404 cannot say, for example, play an mp3, while you are...
  8. J

    Which interface (A bit more specific than the usual. XP64 driving me nuts)

    Hey guys, sorry my first post is diving right in! Due to not being able to find compatible musicians, I figure it might be beneficial if I go ahead and just make some GOOD recordings of my stuff. So not looking to record a full band at this time, just my own stuff, and proooobably just me...