Recent content by Jillian

  1. J

    Ableton Live Drum Rack Help Please

    Ok, I know that within drum rack you can click on the extract chains button to show and process each kit piece separately, but does anyone know a way to add a different "groove template" to each kit piece? Routing to audio tracks gets too messy and the groove templates don't work all that well...
  2. J

    Superior Drummer with Ableton Live Room Mics Problem

    Is there a way to record superior drummer into Live as multi-channel midi instead of audio? read below The problem is that in Superior's mixer, every kit piece gets picked up by the overheads as well as the ambient mics. If I record to audio, I cant very well chop anything up and move it...
  3. J

    Using Logic plug-in in Pro Tools?

    So I am in the process of recording a song in Pro Tools, and its time to lay down the electric guitar parts. I want to send the audio through a Logic plug-in (namely, Amp Designer) in order to get that pre-amp effect on the sound, but record the guitar straight into my Pro Tools session. How...
  4. J

    Help Urgently Needed! Crackling in Headphones with Focusrite's Saffire 56.

    I'm having trouble with my new Saffire 56 from Focusrite, and I really don't know what to do next. Any help would be greatly appreciated! :confused:Here's the problem::confused: When I plug a microphone into my brand new Saffire 56, record-enable a track in ProTools and listen to the input...