Recent content by jcsanchez

  1. J

    Help! Need Some Advice

    Hello, everyone: It has been a while since I posted something. I need your advice. I was used to use the Tascam 2488 NEO. Recently, I've been experimenting with Cubase AI5 looking for a better sound on the finished product. I have been struggling getting the best EQ parameters for my songs...
  2. J

    Need some Help

    Hello, everyone: I would like to receive some feedback regarding how can I make the sounds of my Yamaha MM8 sound more "real" when recording and mixing. I use a Tascam Neo 2488. Any advice would be appreciated. Thanks.
  3. J

    Please-Feedback on this song

    Hello: I would like to obtain some feedback on the way this song was recorded. Used a Tascam Neo 2488. The voice is not the greatest one, but want to find out how well mixed it sounds. Thanks in advance.
  4. J

    Original Song "Your Voice"-Need Feedback on mixing,Please

    Another original song.Need some feedback on mixing.Still a couple of pitch glitches to fix. Please let me know. Thanks. 02 Your Voice by jc_sanchez74 on SoundCloud - Create, record and share your sounds for free
  5. J

    "Let My Song Exalt You"-Remixed; Feedback,please...

    I still have some issues to fix, but does the mix sound better? Please let me know. Thanks.
  6. J

    Original Song "Let My Song Exalt You"-Need Honest Feedback,Please

    Hey,everybody: I really need your honest feedback on this song,especially on the voice. Does it sound good or terrible? I appreciate your responses in advance. Thanks.
  7. J

    "Heaven And Hell"-Black Sabbath-Need critique/feedback on this song,please...

    "Heaven And Hell"-Black Sabbath-Need critique/feedback on this song,please... I recorded this version of "Heaven and Hell" on my Tascam 2488 Neo. I need some constructive critique on this song. What can I do to make it better? Does it sound good to your ears? I am aware of some plosives issues...
  8. J

    "Beautiful, Beautiful"-Need critique/feedback on this version,please

    I recorded this version of "Beautiful,Beautiful" on my Tascam 2488 Neo. I need some constructive critique on this song. What can I do to make it better? Does it sound good to your ears? I am aware of some plosives issues since I do not have a pop filter yet. I recorded all tracks using my Yamaha...
  9. J

    Can You Advice Me on These Songs,Please?

    Hello, everybody: I am trying to get accostumed to my Tascam 2488 Neo. I recorded 3 songs (they're not original songs; recorded for entertainment purposes only, not distribution). I recorded all the tracks using my Yamaha MM8. I would like to have some feedback on the way they sound. Any...
  10. J

    Help for a Rookie in Home Recording

    Hello, everybody. I joined this forum a few days ago and I am thrilled to learn as much as I can about home recording. I really need some help: I bought a Tascam Neo 2488, and I started recording using my Yamaha MM8.What I have so far recorded sounds ok, but.... 1-Can someone explain what a...