Recent content by HydrantC12

  1. H

    New Hardcore Song

    Hey...I've had stuff critiqued here before and i got good feedback. It would be awsome if you could give me some on this mix. The song is called "Containment." Im the vocalist and the engineer so any feedback would be great. Let me know anything that you think can be improved, that i did well...
  2. H

    Pulsar Cables/Snakes

    I need a XLr/f to XLR/m recording snake. I was browsing around and i stumbled upon ones made by Pulsar. Im new to recording so im not sure if there any good. Anybody have any experience with them?? Are they crap??Any info would be great! Link..
  3. H

    Does this sound decent??

    Hey guys. I am curious if you guys can suggest anything to improve my drum sound. So any tips or input would be awsome. I play in a hardcore/technical band and this is this first time im really sitting down and doing a recording session with my band.. Mics.. 1 - Snare 1 - Kick 2 - OH...X-Y...
  4. H

    Preamp through XLR Patchbay?

    I want to bring all the inputs of my preamps to the front of my rack cause its annoying reaching back there when i want to record. So my question is..if i run the inputs of my preamps to the patchbay...will that effect the quality of the signal? Will i still have that preamp sound? Im thinking...
  5. H

    Can Someone Tell Me About This Pre?

    I began bidding on this preamp...but it started to get allittle pricey because i couldnt find any info/reviews for i stopped. Should i of kept bidding..was it a good deal? Has anyone ever used it? Any info would be awsome. Thanks...
  6. H

    Hardcore/Metal Stuff For You

    hey. Im just curious on what you guys think of the songs themselves, not really the quality of the mix. Cause well... i didnt really mix them at all. I quickly just set up some mics to record our practice so we can get these songs tighter. There are no vocals, and yes..there are some messups. Im...
  7. H

    Setting up my RME Multiface

    My question is basically on how to set it up for monitoring. I dont use my mixer for really anything else but that (Its a behringer :/). I was just wondering if anyone can help my out and tell me where to run cables to and from and such. I basically just wanna be able to playback through...
  8. H

    This is amazing...

    I dont know if this has ever been posted before or whatever...You might of even already seen it...But watch this video of Ed Shaugnesy and Budy Rich...So awsome
  9. H

    M-Audio Delta 1010 and Omni

    i have a M-Audio Omni Studio. I like it and all but i need more inputs. Now i can get a good deal on a 1010 but i wasnt sure if you can use both at the same time. Is there a way so i can monitor/and such the 1010 signal through my Omni mixer or do i need to buy a mixer just for the 1010? Any...
  10. H

    "Lord of The Flies" Rock Song

    Me and a few other classmates are making a "Lord of the Flies" music video (you know the book about the kids getting stranded on an island). So i recorded a song for it... Im kind of a newbie..but im curious on your feedback. Its kinda tribaly at points then it has a rock-like chorus. I dont...
  11. H

    Adding 4 more inputs.. right now i have the Omni Studio ( im looking to add 4 more inputs..(to record my band live and such). My question is..what should i buy and how do i set up a second card and interface...Like can i have 2 cards at once? or...
  12. H

    X-Y Mic Clip

    can someone link me to a site where i can buy a X-Y mic clip. I cant seem to find one. You know the clip that has 2 mic holders to record X-Y. thanks
  13. H

    PreAmp and Omni i have a Omni Studio Interface.( Now my question is... If i buy an external preamp...will it work if i run the outs from that into the 3+4 inputs on the Omni? I want to do this for reocording...
  14. H

    Best Mic for Heavy Guitar

    Hey..Just wondering what mic you can suggest for heavy hardcore/metal music. I have used the SM57..and im just not happy with it...especially when i record bassy breakdowns...My budget would be under 400$..thanks
  15. H

    Omni i/o PreAmps

    I just bought an Omni i/o interface. My question is...Are those 2 preamps in the front capable of recording good quality stuff...or should i buy a seperate mic preamp? thanks link: