Recent content by gscontr

  1. G

    pc recording software

    Hi, i used to have an old Arp Odyssey synth that i really regret selling many years ago. Was looking on ebay for analog synths and see that they have gone up quite a bit, and can't afford what i'm looking for. So.... my question is, can anyone out there recommend some good, inexpensive, software...
  2. G

    roland gr-1 question

    Hi everybody, I have a question about a roland gr-1 guitar synth. I got a pc-200 mk.2 years ago and would rather have a 61 key controller with better action. Roland answered me with "any of our controllers would work" ........ What i wanted to know was; would any 5 pin output controllers work to...
  3. G

    got an ol' 840gx

    i just got an old roland 840gx recently, and was wondering a few the hiss normal? i am using a mixer (behringer 802a) for the input, and am still playing with the gain etc. but have already given up on the onboard efx on the roland (prefer to use the stuff i have---they sound a...
  4. G

    thread for a dummy

    Have been recording in analog for years, have a fostex model 80 at the moment, with a behringer, and tapco mixer. I know absolutely nothing about recording, or interfacing analog to computer. My question is, if i have 2 rca type jacks, or a stereo 1/8" jack, what is the best way to proceed to...