Recent content by elko

  1. E

    synthish track, mastering problems

    hey, i'm looking for some advice on a new track, either general improvements or more specifically mastering advice - at the moment it sounds okay to me through my headphones, but really TERRIBLE through the macbook speakers. obviously i know it's never going to sound great through them but it...
  2. E

    Can't open my project!

    There's one particular project I'm working on, and whenever I try to open it, it crashes at the same point of loading the mixer, and then I can do nothing but restart the PC. Obviously this is incredibly annoying, and I was wondering whether anyone had any advice to fix this, or whether there's...
  3. E

    Mixer help req.

    I got a Behringer UD502 mixer today. Very cheap, but I needed a little mixer with a preamp. Anyway, I have a technical question- If I turn the Gain up when there's no input, surely there shouldn't be huge amounts of hissing? I'm using a M-Audio sound card with breakout cables, I don't think...
  4. E

    Sample slicing software?

    Don't know whether this is the right place to post it, but what software would people recommend for manipulating and creating samples? I'm after something like ReCycle, but not as expensive! Cheers, el
  5. E

    Cubase SX audio

    Not sure how best to phrase this , but it's quite a simple issue- how can I hear my audio (in this case guitar) before I record it? I mean, in Logic when I plug the guitar in I can hear it amplified straight away, meaning I can muck about with effects, EQ, etc without recording stuff. Is there...
  6. E

    A *REALLY* stupid question

    This'll seem dead thick to you lot, I'm sure, but in my college, on the music-y computers they've got soundcards (Delta 1010s, if it matters), with a load of cables coming out, that go into mixers, MIDI stuff, etc. There's eight inputs, and eight outputs, I think. What are these cables called...
  7. E


    Hi all, Bear in mind I know absolutely sod all about computers/soundcards/mics... I'm trying to record some rough, mostly acoustic demos, on a budget. When I say budget, I mean I have no money. I have a couple of mics (one shit, one PZM), and basically my problem is that I am recording...