Recent content by Condensed

  1. C

    Portable Recording ? Need suggestions.

    I will need a really good way for recording in multiple areas, I was thinking a laptop, an apollo twin and a reflection filter, like those portable acoustics booth things, and i need them to all fit into a suitcase, along with clothes. and a backpack. Any tips or ideas? any kind of possible...
  2. C

    [Budgetless] I need a recording studio that can control both sides of the booth. I wa

    I don't have a set budget, but I will strive to get what I need to get. It is a 27x14 room with really tall ceilings. If it is too small? I can find another room, but if this is so, please specify acceptable room sizes. I would like a really small/medium console that can be controlled on the...
  3. C

    Hey guys i have a question on room sizes

    \ these are two possibly ideal studio rooms i would like to have minus the front office like area i would then convert into a lounge. how big of a space would i need? i have two rooms that one is 17x11 and one that is 17x17 but i could also rent out a place.. but how big could something like...
  4. C

    Studio Room Question

    can a 17" x 17" room be divided into a tracking room and a beatmaking/ control room? im kind of new to this would i be better off renting off a space? or can i make this work?