Recent content by captainbeyond79

  1. C

    Midi Controller sending keyboard shortcuts in Cubase

    I asked this in Cubase forum also. -------------------------------------------- I have M-Audio 32 key Midi Controller I just bought, but was having similar issues with The virtual keyboard in Cubase AI 5 also(pressing alt + K brings it up) I have Cubase AI 5, with 32 key M Audio Keystation Midi...
  2. C

    Please help - M-Audio Midi Controller sending keyboard shortcuts to computer in cubas

    I have M-Audio 32 key Midi Controller I just bought, but was having similar issues with The virtual keyboard in Cubase AI 5 also(pressing alt + K brings it up) I have Cubase AI 5, with 32 key M Audio Keystation Midi Controller on Windows 7 64 bit home premium. I was playing around on the...
  3. C

    Check out heavy groove rock instrumental

    Hello, Please check out my recent recording and give me some feedback. I'm still mixing in headphones so far...but aiming to get some monitors soon. I'm hoping to get my recording quality to a saleable condition, so please let me know quality wise if you would pay for something of this quality...