Recent content by Afficianado

  1. Afficianado

    Yamaha vs M-Audio (Cubase vs Ableton)

    I'm new to MIDI and deciding between two very basic MIDI controllers right now - similarly-priced M-Audio and Yamaha USB controllers. The M-Audio comes with a lite version of Ableton, and the Yammerhammer comes with a lite version of Cubase. Consider that I'm graduating from Adobe Audition 2...
  2. Afficianado

    Wireless Condensor Suggestion

    Looking for a product suggestion with a specific need. What I want is a small wireless condensor mic that will be used to mic impromptu percussion. Imagine a hollow wooden box. I want to mic the inside of that box without wires so that when I beat on it, I hear the noise on my amp/PA. Ideas?
  3. Afficianado

    POD to an amp?

    I'm considering purchasing a Line 6 POD for direct input recording into my Delta 44. I've read about the successes people have had with the amp modeler and DI recording, and thought I would head down to Guitar Center and listen to it. (mind you, I probably won't buy from GC - but trying out...
  4. Afficianado

    The n00b Review - Just getting started

    Hey all. Just wanted to come onto this forum and let folks know that I dropped a bit of cash over the weekend(okay, swiped a bit of plastic) on my new hobby of amateur home recording. It's something I'd been interested in for quite a while, and now I have the means to dabble in it a bit. What...
  5. Afficianado


    I'd been mulling over the purchase of a DMP3, which I know is a widely used mic pre-amp, especially across these forums. The DMP3 would run right into the Delta 44 to the PC. After some further contemplation, I was wondering if it would be worth it to get a Mackie 1202-VLZ instead. I can get...
  6. Afficianado

    Making the connection

    Just a question from a guy who's trying to get started as an amateur home recording artist. I was wondering how people get the output signal from their pre-amps or mixers to the input of the sound card. Specifically, in the research I've done, most pre-amps and mixers have XLR or 1/4" plug...
  7. Afficianado

    New Amateur Equipment

    Hey all! New to the message board, and just getting started in home recording. Perhaps this post belongs in a different forum (newbie, computer, etc.) forum, but I figured if I posted smart questions to any forum, I'd get smart answers. I've played piano for about 20 years, and guitar for 10...