I could not have said it better myself

I felt terrible about Kate Steinle, and even worse when, and THEN I found out she was liberal, and wouldn't have wanted him deported. Now, I say GOOD FOR HER. She got exactly what she wanted. I nolonger feel bad that she's dead. She basically killed herself.
Kate Steile's political leaning was, and still is, unimportant.

For you to say, "GOOD FOR HER", and state that "She got exactly what she wanted. I no longer feel......"

Are you suggesting it that Katie also "deserved" having her life ended at the hands of an illegal alien?

I have four granddaughters. They are all liberal minded, mostly because when they were 10 years old, Mom and Dad gave them a fucking cell phone of their own. Typical dinners together complete with discussions of everyone's day ceased.

My oldest daughter (51 years old) recently asked me if that cell phones were in existence when she was younger would I have permitted her to have one?


God forbid it, that at anytime in the future, an illegal alien, or anyone else, killed one of my three daughters, or any of my four granddaughters, I would spend the rest of my life doing whatever what would be necessary.
I’m speaking of the Madison issue you mentioned. That’s was clear. All I find is tweets, plus one article behind a paywall. Not buying the book when there’s very little info. Not even 15 reviews on Amazon and somehow this guy is more credible than multiple Republican senators and judges. Doesn’t stop you from being condescending. You’ve demonstrated a pattern of not really responding to anything I say, just calling it all shit and posting your own questionable crap. Not going to entertain this further.
Calling you on being vacuous isn't condescending it's calling you on being vacuous.

I gave you specific sources - depending on secondhand sources instead of actually reading it for yourself is drooling second-rate slackerism. You can do the work like I have and explore them for yourself or not. I already know which you're going to do.

Interesting that you don't apply even your slacker standards of discernment to the utter crapspew that emits from Biden or his Press Sec'y on a daily basis.

Yours is exactly the kind of lazy mind who votes for someone like Biden.
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I'm with him on that one to be honest.

The good and evil is in plain view now, there is no excuse for not knowing right from wrong, 1 side is consistently batshit crazy and the other is consistently normal and grounded.

If bad things happen to you and you are in support of it, then it is incredibly difficult to find sympathy.
I'm with him on that one to be honest.

The good and evil is in plain view now, there is no excuse for not knowing right from wrong, 1 side is consistently batshit crazy and the other is consistently normal and grounded.

If bad things happen to you and you are in support of it, then it is incredibly difficult to find sympathy.
Which side is "normal and grounded"?
I felt terrible about Kate Steinle, and even worse when her killer was found not guilty. I'm sure he's probably still in the country committing crime.

I wrote a song years ago about her, taken from the vantage point of a father losing a child so horrifically.

I still believe in the essence of the song, and the simple fact that if that illegal criminal was not in the country, she'd more than likely be alive today.

THEN I found out she was liberal, and wouldn't have wanted him deported. Now, I say GOOD FOR HER. She got exactly what she wanted. I nolonger feel bad that she's dead. She basically killed herself. Of course there are multitudes of victims who don't want illegals in the country. Them, I still have sympathy for.

I felt terrible about Kate Steinle, and even worse when her killer was found not guilty. I'm sure he's probably still in the country committing crime.
As I understand it the judgements were reversed because of how California law works - he was considered to not be "in possession" of the gun even though this clown who was a convicted felon who wasn't supposed to be on American soil in the first place from his previous numerous deportations had the gun in his hand when it went off. He was a prohibited possessor on the basis of being an illegal and on the basis of being a convicted felon and obviously had gone through none of the legal process to own a gun in California.

He also changed his story - originally said he was shooting at sea lions, then changed it saying he merely had "found" this gun (that was stolen from a Federal agent's vehicle) supposedly wrapped up in a t-shirt. The jury was never allowed to hear about his changing story. When the gun was retrieved from the water where he threw it, there was nothing wrong with it - non-defective guns *do not* spontaneously discharge - the trigger was pulled.

I wrote a song years ago about her, taken from the vantage point of a father losing a child so horrifically.

I still believe in the essence of the song, and the simple fact that if that illegal criminal was not in the country, she'd more than likely be alive today.

THEN I found out she was liberal, and wouldn't have wanted him deported. Now, I say GOOD FOR HER. She got exactly what she wanted. I nolonger feel bad that she's dead. She basically killed herself. Of course there are multitudes of victims who don't want illegals in the country. Them, I still have sympathy for.

Are you sure you don't have her confused with Mollie Tibbetts who definitely was a flaming liberal who came from a family of flaming liberals. I know Kate Steinle's family didn't bark at the media for having the audacity to point out that it was an illegal alien that murdered her the way Mollie Tibbetts' family did.

I don't wish illegal alien crime on anyone but if it has to happen to someone better it be those who advocate the root cause.

Lily white Mollie's tweet bashing white people was her having a snit about an election that didn't go the way she wanted. It should be pointed out that it wasn't a white person who killed her.

Mollie Racist smaller.jpg
As I understand it the judgements were reversed because of how California law works - he was considered to not be "in possession" of the gun even though this clown who was a convicted felon who wasn't supposed to be on American soil in the first place from his previous numerous deportations had the gun in his hand when it went off. He was a prohibited possessor on the basis of being an illegal and on the basis of being a convicted felon and obviously had gone through none of the legal process to own a gun in California.

He also changed his story - originally said he was shooting at sea lions, then changed it saying he merely had "found" this gun (that was stolen from a Federal agent's vehicle) supposedly wrapped up in a t-shirt. The jury was never allowed to hear about his changing story. When the gun was retrieved from the water where he threw it, there was nothing wrong with it - non-defective guns *do not* spontaneously discharge - the trigger was pulled.

Are you sure you don't have her confused with Mollie Tibbetts who definitely was a flaming liberal who came from a family of flaming liberals. I know Kate Steinle's family didn't bark at the media for having the audacity to point out that it was an illegal alien that murdered her the way Mollie Tibbetts' family did.

I don't wish illegal alien crime on anyone but if it has to happen to someone better it be those who advocate the root cause.

Lily white Mollie's tweet bashing white people was her having a snit about an election that didn't go the way she wanted. It should be pointed out that it wasn't a white person who killed her.

View attachment 130776

“I hate White People”..........says the white girl.

White people hating white people is kind of insane.

Gotta hand it to Jews. When a Jewish person goes against the tribe, they rally around and condemn them as a “Self Hating Jew”
The Jews stick together.

White people hating white people is destructive to the white race.

Sure, whites, as is the case with all races, have room for improvement, but self hatred is insane, non productive and outright destructive.
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“I hate White People”..........says the white girl.

White people hating white people is kind of insane.

Gotta hand it to Jews. When a Jewish person goes against the tribe, they rally around and condemn them as a “Self Hating Jew”
The Jews stick together.

White people hating white people is destructive to the white race.

Sure, whites, as is the case with all races, have room for improvement, but self hatred is insane, non productive and outright destructive.
Black History month.

Pride Month.

The All Black TV network on cable.

Heads would explode at the mere mention of a possible All White TV network.

The depth of insanity is at an all time high.
Black History month.

Pride Month.

The All Black TV network on cable.

Heads would explode at the mere mention of a possible All White TV network.

The depth of insanity is at an all time high.
White, or to be more precise, Caucasian, is the one race that is NOT allowed to have any kind of pride whatsoever.
I've deleted a post that was reported and which I thought was really stretching the boundaries.

There was a time when political and religious posts were not allowed on Prime Time. That was relaxed, and for a while, it worked ok. However, more and more threads are assuming Cave-like proportions of poor taste.

HR members are better than that.
Actually it isn't - re: the court cases DM has no idea what he's talking about, he's just regurgitating things he got from the official leftist script which is what most of them do - Trump's team won the majority of court cases that were heard on their merits and not dismissed due to "standing", timeliness, etc.

It also backs up that all the braying about "the cases were all heard given a thorough review and rejected" is nonsense. Obviously part of the Dem plan was that they knew the courts for the most part simply weren't going to give them a thorough hearing. They seemingly would rather let a seriously tainted election stand than interrupt the process.

It's probably too complicated for DM to follow but here 'ya go - research DM has never done and a truth he doesn't care about to begin with.

A comprehensive overview and statement.


The main page with links to various information. #6 is the list of lawsuits - the text summary is the .pdf link above.


The "at a glance" overview table


One of the articles from the main page on vote spikes.

I just don't have enough insight on those other matters to effectively argue for any "side" of the debate.
brassplyer said:
Actually it isn't - re: the court cases DM has no idea what he's talking about, he's just regurgitating things he got from the official leftist script which is what most of them do - Trump's team won the majority of court cases that were heard on their merits and not dismissed due to "standing", timeliness, etc.

It also backs up that all the braying about "the cases were all heard given a thorough review and rejected" is nonsense. Obviously part of the Dem plan was that they knew the courts for the most part simply weren't going to give them a thorough hearing. They seemingly would rather let a seriously tainted election stand than interrupt the process.

It's probably too complicated for DM to follow but here 'ya go - research DM has never done and a truth he doesn't care about to begin with.

A comprehensive overview and statement.


The main page with links to various information. #6 is the list of lawsuits - the text summary is the .pdf link above.


The "at a glance" overview table


One of the articles from the main page on vote spikes.

I just don't have enough insight on those other matters to effectively argue for any "side" of the debate.
At least you have the integrity to state as such. Btw - the above links are a great way to get more acquainted with the facts.
Yeah... lol... Somehow the 81 million live in Wisconsin suburban areas?
They sure don't show up at his rallies.

A supposed almost 13x increase in turnout and the election officials refuse to allow auditors to see the ballots.

"So? I don't see any problem with that!" bray the Demleftists as they go along bumping into things with their eyes squeezed shut.

Ridin with Biden.jpg
Kate Steile's political leaning was, and still is, unimportant.

For you to say, "GOOD FOR HER", and state that "She got exactly what she wanted. I no longer feel......"

Are you suggesting it that Katie also "deserved" having her life ended at the hands of an illegal alien?

I have four granddaughters. They are all liberal minded, mostly because when they were 10 years old, Mom and Dad gave them a fucking cell phone of their own. Typical dinners together complete with discussions of everyone's day ceased.

My oldest daughter (51 years old) recently asked me if that cell phones were in existence when she was younger would I have permitted her to have one?


God forbid it, that at anytime in the future, an illegal alien, or anyone else, killed one of my three daughters, or any of my four granddaughters, I would spend the rest of my life doing whatever what would be necessary.
Her political leaning was, and still is IMPORTANT. If she voted or worse didn't vote, she would have actually defended her killer's right to be in this country. The killer didn't just break the law of having an illegal gun. He should have never been on US soil. This should never have happened. If you're fine with criminals breaking one law, you can't complain when they break others. It's because of like minded people like her and her family, that she and so many others are victims of crimes that NEVER should happen. Because these criminals shouldn't be here. It's not rocket science. It's simple. You're here legally, good. You're here illegally, get out. That's what most (if not all) other countries in the world do.

Just to be clear, if the US government opened up the borders to the world, I'd be fine with it. I don't care. The only thing I care about is, whether the person is here legally. Once you're legal, live your life. Then if you kill someone, at least you did it somewhere you were allowed to be.

I've said this to people who have come to my house to shoot movies. Actors are slobs and don't care about anybodies belongings. If you mess with my cats, you're going to get hurt. One actor eventually said "Is that being a little rough?" I responded "Why would you mess and hurt someone's animal?" He said he wouldn't. Then he had nothing to worry about. Is it so hard to be respectful when entering someone's home? The funny part is, no one gets it. That is, until it's their house. Then it all falls into place, how disrepectful strangers are in others homes.

If someone hurt my wife, I would surely seek revenge. Plain and simple. I'm going to rot in hell for eternity anyway. There are some things you can't let slide.

In NYC a hell hole aiming for Chicago status, an ex Marine has been charged with 2nd degree murder (he can spend 15 years in prison, and will) for putting a psycho in choke hold, while someone else restrained the man's arms. The media calls the dead guy a non housed Michael Jackson impersonator who loved performing for people. They leave out the dozens of arrests, the assaults on two old ladies, and his frequent violent outbursts. Of course the ex marine is white. The man holding his arms was black and not charged.

A black man stabbed someone attacking his girlfriend, and has been charged with the stabbing. A man defending himself against an attacker was charged with shooting the attacker. This is the world the Steinle's applaude. Sorry, I lost that empathy a while ago.
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As I understand it the judgements were reversed because of how California law works - he was considered to not be "in possession" of the gun even though this clown who was a convicted felon who wasn't supposed to be on American soil in the first place from his previous numerous deportations had the gun in his hand when it went off. He was a prohibited possessor on the basis of being an illegal and on the basis of being a convicted felon and obviously had gone through none of the legal process to own a gun in California.

He also changed his story - originally said he was shooting at sea lions, then changed it saying he merely had "found" this gun (that was stolen from a Federal agent's vehicle) supposedly wrapped up in a t-shirt. The jury was never allowed to hear about his changing story. When the gun was retrieved from the water where he threw it, there was nothing wrong with it - non-defective guns *do not* spontaneously discharge - the trigger was pulled.

Are you sure you don't have her confused with Mollie Tibbetts who definitely was a flaming liberal who came from a family of flaming liberals. I know Kate Steinle's family didn't bark at the media for having the audacity to point out that it was an illegal alien that murdered her the way Mollie Tibbetts' family did.

I don't wish illegal alien crime on anyone but if it has to happen to someone better it be those who advocate the root cause.

Lily white Mollie's tweet bashing white people was her having a snit about an election that didn't go the way she wanted. It should be pointed out that it wasn't a white person who killed her.

View attachment 130776
Her father and brother did a few interviews, and they stated she had no problem with illegal immigration.