Need help finding a good microphone for political commentators who do interviews/discussions over Zoom.

Why listen to this fossil? His world doesn't exist anymore.

How bout printing me a couple trillion dollars out a thin air..Backed by nothing and falls for anything...america.
Why listen to this fossil? His world doesn't exist anymore.

How bout printing me a couple trillion dollars out a thin air..Backed by nothing and falls for anything...america.
I was looking for a delicate way to say something similar, but you did well. Some are just looking for a free and easy way to do something so as not to have pay someone skilled to do to the task at hand.
It's always amusing to hear Chomsky's critics. I've talked to him and read a bunch of his work. He could not care any less what people think of him or his socio-political commentary.
I'm immune - I've no idea who he is - not a name us Brits have heard of. All we're bombarded with is the two ex-royals who did a runner from England and who've made friends with Oprah. Today the joke is that our footballer (Google Ian Wright) looks like Oprah doing a Mrs Doubtfire.
Most people don't care about him, and he doesn't care about other peoples opinion. See. Right there.

You got to stop listening to other people and only think about yourself. That old muthafucker knows it.
It's always amusing to hear Chomsky's critics. I've talked to him and read a bunch of his work. He could not care any less what people think of him or his socio-political commentary.

And though all of this may be true, many here took the time to answer this person's question and share knowledge. I'll note, he has still not answered my question which I think is fair. What is his relationship? From the beginning it has felt like a game of telephone in which we are unsure of how this information is shared with Chomsky. It would be funny if the OP is just some rando fan offering advice. Too much about this is odd for a figure that has been in the media for decades.
And here I was going to start talking about the SM57 and intelligibility.

I hadn't read through the entire thread.... but went back just now and skimmed it. I have to agree that there is something not quite right. It at least feels that way. My apologies if I've misunderstood. I often do.

I also did not realize that at least one of the players other than the opening poster is.... uh... unique.

Yeah - I'm done here.;)
Chomsky doesn't have any official engineer. The mic Chomsky has was sent to him by someone. He's not worth $5M like the rumors on celebritynetworth claim. I just help to get him booked in the media and I run the "Digital Chomsky" YouTube channel. I've interviewed him a few times, and I'm helping out with his biography.

I and others who are interested in Chomsky's work have noted that his audio is extremely poor. Sometimes I transcribe his talks, and I notice that it's so poor that you have to kind of guess what word he's saying. However, even when a talk is perfectly transcribable, the audio is still extremely poor.

I was the one who got "Rising" to have him on their show, and some people said that the audio was OK but others were extremely pissed about how poor the audio was. I linked to that at the top of this thread and you can read the comments for yourself. I was so frustrated because I even sent them a message in advance telling them to get the audio and video good beforehand and everything.

I also got "Rising" to do this interview but I'm not sure if they did a good job. Someone complained that the video was out of focus but I checked with the economist and he said that that's the way they got him to "optimize" the video:

Can we keep this thread focused on audio/video? I'm not here to talk about politics or anything else. I recall some people in this thread were talking about Chomsky's politics, but my intention was not for you guys to pay any attention to what his arguments are in these videos. I just wanted you guys to sample a couple seconds from various points in the videos and think about the quality without any attention to the context of the quick sentences that you're sampling or whatever. This is about audio/video quality, not the content.
We did that, but you didn't progress. Initially you said commentators - in the plural. It seems you have a decent enough setup, so you just picked an aged difficult voice to squirt through compression, cancellation and clever matrixing as they have to have in these apps. Have you tried it on yourself? If you sound good, that's it - as in, it's just him as an anomaly. Move on. Changing zoom is not possible, so he's as good as he gets. You are not doing anything wrong - other subjects will no doubt be fine. If it has to be zoom, or Google meetings or the others - then his voice just annoys the software.
The numbers float around a bit, but is telling of how he works................. (his buddy Bernie Sanders (closet communist) somehow also accrued millions in his tenure 'working' in politics).
2006 article $2 million.........
2006 article (i like the title of this one. it fits well).........
2021 article $8 million.........
2021 article $5 million........................
2021 article $6.5 million.............

Does Chomsky also hire unskilled people to do his dental work to save a few bucks??
It could be true that NC's voice just annoys the software. I guess that it would be interesting to ask: Are there any people other than NC who have difficult voices whose voices are recorded well on Zoom? If so, that would prove that it's possible for a difficult voice to be picked up well on Zoom, and then there would be reason to think that the same could be achieved for NC's voice.

On this net worth thing, I'm curious to know if any footnotes are provided. The "celebritynetworth" website gave $5 million, but they didn't show their work or show how they came up with that figure. That's called gossip/slander.

You need footnotes, or else it's gossip/slander. It's funny, yes, but it's also silly. You can read silly stuff (with no footnotes) in the tabloids that you see when you're in line at the grocery store. But there are never any footnotes, sources, or explanations for where the crazy claims in the tabloids are coming from. It's just random assertions with no sourcing.
I could care less about his politics or his net worth. For every Bernie Sanders or Noam Chomsky, there's a Robert George or a Charles Koch. I will say that being a professor emeritus at MIT, he's not exactly destitute. I'm guessing that his pension/SS is at least what I made in my best year working as a degreed chemist for over 40 years.

From what I have seen, he has less invested in his audio-video rig than I have in my hack golf game! If this is his vocation/avocation/profession, then he really needs to have a professional come in and set up his system. There's no way that NC should be relying on someone who has no experience or skills in audio video work trying to fix a problem that he doesn't understand.

Having someone give him a basic USB microphone and expecting to give studio quality interviews over Zoom is simply naive. Would you do the same with the brakes on your car? Any boob can learn to change the brakes, but you don't start out doing commercial repair work with no study, tools or practice. That's precisely why you pay an auto mechanic $100/hr to fix your car.

If the man can't understand that simple premise, then I SURELY wouldn't want to believe much else he has to say.
Who is "Robert George"? I'm not sure who you mean.

I agree that he ought to invest in this. Hopefully he will do so.

He also tells me that nobody complains about the audio quality, but that's insane to me. Maybe nobody complains to him personally, but if you look on that "Rising" interview that I linked at the top of the thread, you'll see YouTube comments where people are pissed about the audio.

Do you guys all agree with me that the videos that I've linked are bad enough that people OUGHT to be complaining, even if they aren't?