Do VST compressors actually work properly?

It could well be me but I don't hear a huge difference especially when trying to limit something to sit nicely in a track.
I usually end up manually drawing the volumes in.

Have a listen to these examples, I've deliberately uploaded a lively section of the bass for illustration along with the setting s for the 2 comps.


Is it that only decent hardware compressors can do the job?

Of course they work just fine, and some work even better than hardware compressors, depending on which 2 you're comparing.

If you can't get a compressor to do something, it's definitely user error, not the compressor's fault. Do you know how a compressor works? Are you setting your threshold properly? Do you know what the parameters do or are you just calling up a pre-set and expecting it to work?
How do you mean "work properly"?
They're programmed to the exact same thing as the real compressor they're modelled after.
Unless you're experiencing a serious bug, they are working fine.
Also, That UAD "Fairchild" compressor is about $300. Did you really buy a $300 compressor without knowing how to work it? Just wondering.
RAMI, I figured I'd learn the Fairchild after a while, but I've had it for several years and usually just use the presets and set the threshold.
Out of interest, how would you set it for a bass that lively?
I don't know how to drive, but I bought a Corvette thinking I could figure it out. It has an automatic.
Those 3 tracks all sound pretty much identical. The fairchild one has a hint of comp on the bass, more colour than actual compression.

I also don't actually hear a problem with the bass in the track with no compression. Are you using a compressor because you think you should? Not all tracks need compressing. Leaving them as is and natural is the best way, for the majority of the time. Let the dynamics of the part shine through.
bongo, got nothing practical to add, don't add.

BURN! lol!

Oops, now I did it too. Sorry. :D

Ok, well I am not sure I can say much other than that finding what a compressor actually does for a track, is what it does.

You are best finding that for yourself.

I personally tend to like a PSP Vintage Warmer on bass, as it gives some added saturation to the sound as well. This is personal preference tho.

Not every track needs a compressor. Most of what you need a compressor for is not something you necessarily hear on the instrument itself. But how it fits with the rest of the mix.
Thanks Mr Clean.
" The fairchild one has a hint of comp on the bass, more colour than actual compression. "
That's what I mean, I've set the threshold to pick up at a pretty low level but it aint doing a lot...!
I don't know either of those compressors but looking at the thresholds in your pictures, I would say you're turning the dials the wrong way. You're raising the threshold so they won't have any effect at all.

I would suggest downloading GComp, it's free, and having a play with that. It has little screens that give you a visual idea of how the threshold works for a compressor.

:thumbs up:
Unfortunately not, I wish it was that simple that I was doing everything the opposite way round.
There's only really 2 controls to worry about on the Fairchild as the attack and release are set (in 5 options on a dial)
There's an input and a threshold control and that's it.
I use the UAD Fairchild plug on my bass. But rummaging through a couple of my songs, I find I'm not actually working it too hard. In your examples, I think the bass sits pretty well. Not a lot of pumping and very consistent, so the compressors are doing their job. Might be EQ'd more towards the higher freqs than I care to do, but that's personal opinion and not a reflection of the compressors' performance. I'm not sure what you are expecting from the plugs, but I am willing to bet you would get very similar results from the same hardware.
I did not, UAD gave it to me... :p

So the UAD card you sold me that did not come with it - you kept from me? :mad:


Just kidding man. I think that card may be messing with newest Cubase. I may need to just trash it and get a supported one anyway...
Actually I forgot I had it. Just kinda liked the 1176 limiter or whatever that was. I have better anyway, but it sounded nice.

Naw, I will just give it to a member here free. I don't have time to sell things. Too busy with other shit to care about stuff like that..

One of the reasons the Fairchild is desirable is because it can compress the crap out of something without actually sounding compressed. It also has a nice color to it.

If you were using an 1176, you would actually hear it doing something, because that compressor does something different that is more apparent than the fairchild.