(Yet another) What do you think of my voice for singing?


New member
Hey everyone!

Don't mind the quality - I recorded this in a common PC mic once only because a friend was curious to hear me sing. I want you guys to tell me if I have a future in singing. I'm actually more of an instrumentist (guitar and bass), and the vocals I'm intending to record are mostly gutural (for doom/death metal), but I have some post-rock projects and was wondering if they might become not purely instrumental after all.

Here's the recording:
View attachment Untitled1.mp3

It's based on a version of this song:
http :// www .youtube . com/watch?v=72AdG4Nn6dM
(Please remove the spaces! I have less than 10 posts so I can't theorically post external links :/)

Thanks in advance!

L. Igansi
It ounds good but I would prefer something with a guitar behind it so I can really get an idea on pitch.
Your voice sounds like you can do a cinema trailer. Hmmmm, if you learn to upgrade your vibrato in certain areas I'm sure you will pretty much of a good singer. Good luck in improving, buddy!

I think it's infinitely preferable to use your voice for singing than any of the other options your body may come with...

...ok, I guess

Your voice sounds like you can do a cinema trailer. Hmmmm, if you learn to upgrade your vibrato in certain areas I'm sure you will pretty much of a good singer. Good luck in improving, buddy!

Thanks man! I'll definitely exercise more then. But anyways I'm glad to know that if I do not succeed with my music at least I may have another career as a cinema trailer narrator, haha!