new bands


New member
I don't know about you but I'm getting kind of sick and tired of mainstreem radio these days and waiting ages for my favorite bands to put out new albums. With the internet and sites like, it is a lot easier for independent artists to make their music more accessable to the public BUT this doesn't mean that the public will ever get a chance to hear it. It's hard to what bands to check out if you dont know what they sound like. I know that most bands try to naturally distance themselves from their influences and other bands that they sound like but maybe acknowledging these similarities will get others to listen to their music...

With that said, I'm proposing starting a thread that will help introduce new bands by relating their similarities to other popular bands so that people will know what kind of "sound" the band had and whether or not it is something they are interested in. I guess this thread isn't directly related to homerecording but more to just spreading our favorite indie bands to others.

Let me start by saying that if you like Tool, NIN or Finger11 you should definitely check out PORTAL at

Also if you like the smashing pumpkins check out CYPHER at