Bad Vocal Phase..HELP


New member
i dont know if i am posting this in the right place, however singing and vocals sounds appropriate

i am currently recording group background vocals with 6 over dubbed tracks

i had a few phase problems..took care of it with a phase inverter

but the last take is totally out of phase with the rest and it is a disgusting ear piercing kind of phase, flipping phase does not help...
i also tried moving the track over by a few milliseconds but to no avail
ANY suggestion would be much appreciated

Thanks in advance
happy recording
Excuse my lack of knowledge but how do you get mono vocal tracks out of phase with one another?
Are you reasonably sure it is a phase issue?

"Flipping the switch" will only reverse the phase by 180 degrees, not shift it in other increments.

You might try using a plug-in that will do that for you, such as .


.......have the vocalist re-do the part, take Funk Daddy's advice....which while not exactly what you were asking for was funny as hell.

Good luck on your mission.