System set-up and testing CD


New member
Just thought you guys might be interested in this:
The price for the Lasertrak CD2000 has just dropped from 35 to 20 bucks.
It offeres the following

Precise Audio System Setup
Calibration & Testing
Unique CD Player Diagnostics
System Phase Testing
Technical Data & Testing Tips
A Full Array of Test Signals, 99 in total.

Available from:

well worth it if you don't have pro testing tools.
Pity it's only a two way speaker setup/calibrate. The tones might be handy if your console doesn't have a tone generator.

I like the A440 as most tuners have a different interpretation of what A440 is and it's good to have a set reference.

Wavelab produces Pink Noise and if you need a CD to check phase you 'd better learn to listen. ;)
